Title: | A Pharmacometrics Data Transformation and Analysis Tool |
Description: | Exploration of pharmacometrics data involves both general tools (transformation and plotting) and specific techniques (non-compartmental analysis). This kind of exploration is generally accomplished by utilizing different packages. The purpose of 'ruminate' is to create a 'shiny' interface to make these tools more broadly available while creating reproducible results. |
Authors: | John Harrold [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | John Harrold <[email protected]> |
License: | BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.3.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-12 16:29:24 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/john-harrold/ruminate |
Used to convert nonstandard dose route values (i.e. "IV") to standard values ("intravascular").
apply_route_map(route_map = list(), route_col = NULL, DS = NULL)
apply_route_map(route_map = list(), route_col = NULL, DS = NULL)
route_map |
List with names corresponding to the route replacement and a vector of regular expressions to match. |
route_col |
Column name with the route data. |
DS |
Dataframe containing the dataset. |
Dataset with the route mapping applied.
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
Takes the ui elements in the module state and processes the covariate elements for addition.
CTS_add_covariate(state, element)
CTS_add_covariate(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
This depends on the following UI values in the state
Element with the results of adding the covariate. The cares
element can be used to determine the exit status of the function.
COV_IS_GOOD If TRUE if the covariate was good and added, and FALSE if there were any issues.
msgs Vector of messages.
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Takes the ui elements in the state and element and attempts to add a rule.
CTS_add_rule(state, element)
CTS_add_rule(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
This depends on the following UI values in the state and element
For rule type "dose"
For rule type "set state"
For rule type "manual code"
Element with the results of adding the rule. The rares
element can be used to determine the exit status of the function.
RULE_IS_GOOD If true it indicates that the pieces of the rule from the UI check out.
RULE_UPDATED If RULE_IS_GOOD and RULE_UPDATED is true then a previous rule definition was overwritten. If RULE_IS_GOOD is TRUE and RULE_UPDATED is FALSE then a new rule was added.
notify_text Text for notify message
notify_id Notification ID
notify_type Notification type
msgs Vector of messages.
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Appends report elements to a formods report.
CTS_append_report(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
CTS_append_report(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
state |
CTS state from |
rpt |
Report with the current content of the report which will be appended to in
this function. For details on the structure see the documentation for
rpttype |
Type of report to generate (supported "xlsx", "pptx", "docx"). |
gen_code_only |
Boolean value indicating that only code should be
generated ( |
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
hasrptele: Boolean indicator if the module has any reportable elements.
code: Code to generate reporting elements.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
rpt: Report with any additions passed back to the user.
Takes the ui elements in the state and element and processes any changes to the source model and updates the element accordingly.
CTS_change_source_model(state, element)
CTS_change_source_model(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
This depends on the following UI values in the state.
Element with the necessary changes to the source model.
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Takes a CTS state and deletes the current cohort. If that is the last element, then a new default will be added.
state |
CTS state from |
CTS state object with the current cohort deleted.
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Fetches the code to generate results seen in the app
state |
CTS state from |
Character object vector with the lines of code
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Takes a CTS state and returns the current active cohort
state |
CTS state from |
List containing the details of the active data view. The structure
of this list is the same as the structure of state$CTS$elements
in the output of
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Fetches the datasets produced by the module. For each cohort this will be the simulation timecourse and the event table
state |
CTS state from |
Character object vector with the lines of code
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
hasds: Boolean indicator if the module has any datasets
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
ds: List with datasets. Each list element has the name of the R-object for that dataset. Each element has the following structure:
label: Text label for the dataset
MOD_TYPE: Short name for the type of module.
id: module ID
DS: Dataframe containing the actual dataset.
DSMETA: Metadata describing DS
code: Complete code to build dataset.
checksum: Module checksum.
DSchecksum: Dataset checksum.
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
This provides meta information about simulatino options. This includes option names, text descriptions, ui_names used, etc.
CTS_fetch_sc_meta( MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") )
CTS_fetch_sc_meta( MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") )
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
List with the following elements:
config List from the YAML->MC->sim_config.
summary: Dataframe with elements of config in tabular format.
ui_config Vector of all the ui_ids for configuration options.
Merges default app options with the changes made in the UI
CTS_fetch_state( id, id_ASM, id_MB, input, session, FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, react_state )
CTS_fetch_state( id, id_ASM, id_MB, input, session, FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, react_state )
id |
Shiny module ID |
id_ASM |
ID string for the app state management module used to save and load app states |
id_MB |
An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the MB modules |
input |
Shiny input variable |
session |
Shiny session variable |
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
react_state |
Variable passed to server to allow reaction outside of module ( |
list containing the current state of the app including default values from the yaml file as well as any changes made by the user. The list has the following structure:
yaml: Full contents of the supplied yaml file.
MC: Module components of the yaml file.
isgood: Boolean object indicating if the file was successfully loaded.
checksum: This is an MD5 sum of the contents element and can be used to detect changes in the state.
MOD_TYPE: Character data containing the type of module "CTS"
id: Character data containing the module id module in the session variable.
FM_yaml_file: App configuration file with FM as main section.
MOD_yaml_file: Module configuration file with MC as main section.
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = CTS_fetch_state(id = "CTS", id_ASM = "ASM", id_MB = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL)
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = CTS_fetch_state(id = "CTS", id_ASM = "ASM", id_MB = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL)
When a source model changes this will update information about that model like the default dvcols and selection information about the dvcols
CTS_init_element_model(state, element)
CTS_init_element_model(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
CTS state object with the current cohort ui elements initialized based on the current model selected
Creates a list of the initialized module state
CTS_init_state(FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id, id_MB, session)
CTS_init_state(FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id, id_MB, session)
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section |
id |
ID string for the module |
id_MB |
An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the MB modules |
session |
Shiny session variable |
list containing an empty CTS state
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input state = CTS_init_state( FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml"), id = "CTS", id_MB = "MB", session = session) state
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input state = CTS_init_state( FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml"), id = "CTS", id_MB = "MB", session = session) state
Reads in the app state from yaml files.
state |
CTS state object |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
yaml_list: Lists with preload components.
sess_res = CTS_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state res = CTS_mk_preload(state)
sess_res = CTS_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state res = CTS_mk_preload(state)
Appends a new empty cohort to the CTS state object and makes this new cohort the active cohort.
state |
CTS state from |
CTS state object containing a new cohort and that
cohort is set as the current active cohort. See the help for
for ===ELEMENT== format.
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Takes a CTS state and element and simulates the current set of rules.
CTS_plot_element(state, element)
CTS_plot_element(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
Simulation element with plot results stored in the '"plotres"
isgood Boolean value indicating the state of the figure generation code.
msgs Any messages to be passed to the user.
capture Captured figure generation output from plot_sr_tc()
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Populates the supplied session variable with information from list of sources.
CTS_preload( session, src_list, yaml_res, mod_ID = NULL, react_state = list(), quickload = FALSE )
CTS_preload( session, src_list, yaml_res, mod_ID = NULL, react_state = list(), quickload = FALSE )
session |
Shiny session variable (in app) or a list (outside of app) |
src_list |
List of preload data (all read together with module IDs at the top level) |
yaml_res |
List data from module yaml config |
mod_ID |
Module ID of the module being loaded. |
react_state |
Reactive shiny object (in app) or a list (outside of app) used to trigger reactions. |
quickload |
Logical |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
session: Session object
input: The value of the shiny input at the end of the session initialization.
state: App state.
react_state: The react_state
Server function for the Clinical Trial Simulator Shiny Module
CTS_Server( id, id_ASM = "ASM", id_MB = "MB", FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml"), deployed = FALSE, react_state = NULL )
CTS_Server( id, id_ASM = "ASM", id_MB = "MB", FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml"), deployed = FALSE, react_state = NULL )
id |
An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the modules UI elements |
id_ASM |
ID string for the app state managment module used to save and load app states |
id_MB |
An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the MB modules |
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
deployed |
Boolean variable indicating whether the app is deployed or not. |
react_state |
Variable passed to server to allow reaction outside of module ( |
UD Server object
Takes a CTS state and returns the current active cohort
CTS_set_current_element(state, element)
CTS_set_current_element(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
CTS state object with the current cohort set using the supplied value.
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Takes the supplied element and determines if the underlying simulation is in a good state or not.
CTS_sim_isgood(state, element)
CTS_sim_isgood(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
List with the following elements:
isgood: Boolean object indicating if the file was successfully loaded.
msgs: Text description of failure.
Takes a CTS state and element and simulates the current set of rules.
CTS_simulate_element(state, element)
CTS_simulate_element(state, element)
state |
CTS state from |
element |
Element list from |
Simulation element with simulation results stored in the
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Populates the supplied session variable for testing.
CTS_test_mksession(session = list(), full = FALSE)
CTS_test_mksession(session = list(), full = FALSE)
session |
Shiny session variable (in app) or a list (outside of app) |
full |
Boolean indicating if the full test session should be created
( |
The CTS portion of the all_sess_res
returned from FM_app_preload
session = shiny::MockShinySession$new() sess_res = CTS_test_mksession(session=session)
session = shiny::MockShinySession$new() sess_res = CTS_test_mksession(session=session)
Takes a CTS state and updates the checksum used to trigger downstream updates
state |
CTS state from |
CTS state object with the checksum updated
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res[["session"]] id = "CTS" id_ASM = "ASM" id_MB = "MB" input = list() # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml") state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_MB = id_MB, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # Fetch a list of the current element current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) # You can modify the element current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name" # Defining the source model state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx" current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele) # Single visit current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Creating a dosing rule state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose" # Adding the rule: current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele) # Appending the plotting details as well current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1" current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc" # Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2" current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5" # Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state) #current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele) # Next we plot the element current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele) # Now we save those results back into the state: state = CTS_set_current_element( state = state, element = current_ele) # This will extract the code for the current module code = CTS_fetch_code(state) code # This will update the checksum of the module state state = CTS_update_checksum(state) # Access the datasets generated from simulations ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state) # CTS_add_covariate state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal" state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT" current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele) # Creates a new empty element state = CTS_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = CTS_del_current_element(state) }
Takes information about columns in dataset and constructs the dosing records.
dose_records_builder(NCA_DS = NULL, dose_from = NULL, col_map = list())
dose_records_builder(NCA_DS = NULL, dose_from = NULL, col_map = list())
Dataset containing dosing records. |
dose_from |
Method of dose extraction either "cols" or "rows". |
col_map |
List with column mapping details |
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
dose_rec: Tibble with dose records for PKNCA
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
This will provide information like parameter names, covriates, etc from an rxode2 object.
object |
rxode2 model object An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the modules UI elements |
List with the following elements.
isgood: Boolean variable indicating if the model is good.
msgs: Any messages from parsing the model.
elements: List with names of simulation elements:
covariates: Names of the covariates in the system.
parameters: Names of the parameters (subject level) in the system.
iiv: Names of the iiv parameters in the system.
states: Names of the states/compartments in the system.
txt_info: Summary information in text format.
list_info: Summary information in list format used with onbrand reporting.
ht_info: Summary information in HTML formot.
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
Takes the output of rxSolve()
and merges in any missing
covariates that are present in params but not in sim
fetch_rxtc(rx_details, sim)
fetch_rxtc(rx_details, sim)
rx_details |
Output of |
sim |
output of |
Dataframe of the simulated time course.
Creates flag columns in dataset for both analysis, plotting and reporting. Can be used for manual flagging of data.
flag_nca_ds( DS = NULL, flag_map = list(), col_map = list(), ds_flags = data.frame() )
flag_nca_ds( DS = NULL, flag_map = list(), col_map = list(), ds_flags = data.frame() )
DS |
Dataframe containing the dataset. |
flag_map |
List with flag mapping details. |
col_map |
List with column mapping details. |
ds_flags |
Dataframe or tibble with a column (key) for dataset row IDs ("rec_2" for row 2) and a column (flag) for flags mapping can be found. |
Dataset with the following columns added for flagging data.
rmnt_key Unique key for each record (eg 'rec_n'
, where n
isthe row number)
rmnt_flag Flag short name
rmnt_note Any notes specified to describe the reason the record was flagged
rmnt_desc Flag description used in plot legends
rmnt_cens Column used to indicate censoring (NA for not censored or a string indicating the record is censored)
rmnt_hlex Column used to indicate manual selection of points to exclude for half-life calculation (TRUE- exclude, FALSE - do not exclude)
rmnt_hlin Column used to indicate manual selection of points for half-life (NA or TRUE)
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
Appends report elements to a formods report.
MB_append_report(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
MB_append_report(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
state |
MB state from |
rpt |
Report with the current content of the report which will be appended to in
this function. For details on the structure see the documentation for
rpttype |
Type of report to generate (supported "xlsx", "pptx", "docx"). |
gen_code_only |
Boolean value indicating that only code should be
generated ( |
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
hasrptele: Boolean indicator if the module has any reportable elements.
code: Code to generate reporting elements.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
rpt: Report with any additions passed back to the user.
Takes the function definition from an rxode object, a function object name and an rxode object name and creates the code to build those objects.
MB_build_code( state, session, fcn_def, time_scale, fcn_obj_name, rx_obj_name, ts_obj_name )
MB_build_code( state, session, fcn_def, time_scale, fcn_obj_name, rx_obj_name, ts_obj_name )
state |
MB state from |
session |
Shiny session variable |
fcn_def |
Character string containing the function definition for the model |
time_scale |
Short name for the model timescale (see names of state$MC$formatting$time_scales$choices). |
fcn_obj_name |
Object name of the function to create. |
rx_obj_name |
Object name of the rxode2 object to create. |
ts_obj_name |
Object name of the tiemscale object to create. |
List with the following elements
model_code Block of code to create the model in the context of a larger script.
model_code_sa Same as the model_code
element but meant to
stand alone.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Takes a MB state and deletes the current model. If that is the last element, then a new default will be added.
state |
MB state from |
MB state object with the current model deleted.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Creates a catalog of the models available in the system file.
MB_fetch_appends(state, current_ele)
MB_fetch_appends(state, current_ele)
state |
MB state from |
current_ele |
MB model element from |
List with the following attributes:
isgood: Boolean variable indicating success or failure.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
hasappends: Boolean variable indicating if appendable models were found.
select_plain: Flat list with the models (ungrouped).
choicesOpt List witht he subtext filled out.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Creates a catalog of the models available in the system file.
state |
MB state from |
List with the following attributes:
summary: Dataframe with a summary of the models in the catlog
sources: Same information a that found in the summary table but in list form.
select_group: List with the models grouped by source.
select_plain: Flat list with the models (ungrouped).
select_subtext: Subtext for pulldown menus.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
hasmdl: Boolean value indicating if any models were found.
isgood: Boolean variable indicating success or failure.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Fetches the code to generate results seen in the app
state |
MB state from |
Character object vector with the lines of code
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Fetches the selected component of the provided model.
MB_fetch_component(state, current_ele, component_id = NULL)
MB_fetch_component(state, current_ele, component_id = NULL)
state |
MB state from |
current_ele |
MB model element from |
component_id |
The numeric component id to select (default |
list with the current component with the following attributes
isgood: Boolean object indicating success.
rx_obj: rxode2 object for the model.
ts_obj: timescale object for the model.
fcn_def: Just the model function definition.
note: Note field from the components_table
model_code: Code to generate model.
model_code_sa: Stand-alone code to generate model with
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Takes a MB state and returns the current active model object.
state |
MB state from |
List containing the details of the active data view. The structure
of this list is the same as the structure of state$MB$elements
in the output of
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Fetches the models contained in the module.
state |
MB state from |
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
hasmdl: Boolean indicator if the module has any models
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
mdl: List with models. Each list element has the name of the R-object for that dataset. Each element has the following structure:
label: Text label for the model (e.g. one-compartment model).
MOD_TYPE: Type of module.
id: Module ID.
rx_obj: The rxode2 object.
rx_obj_name: The rxode2 object name that holds the model.
ts_obj List with elements system and details
ts_obj_name: The object name that holds the model time scale information.
fcn_def: Text to define the model
MDLMETA: Notes about the model.
code: Code to generate the model.
checksum: Module checksum.
MDLchecksum: Model checksum.
# We need a module state: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state mdls = MB_fetch_mdl(state) names(mdls)
# We need a module state: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state mdls = MB_fetch_mdl(state) names(mdls)
Merges default app options with the changes made in the UI
MB_fetch_state( id, id_ASM, input, session, FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, react_state )
MB_fetch_state( id, id_ASM, input, session, FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, react_state )
id |
Shiny module ID |
id_ASM |
ID string for the app state management module used to save and load app states |
input |
Shiny input variable |
session |
Shiny session variable |
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
react_state |
Variable passed to server to allow reaction outside of module ( |
list containing the current state of the app including default values from the yaml file as well as any changes made by the user. The list has the following structure:
yaml: Full contents of the supplied yaml file.
MC: Module components of the yaml file.
isgood: Boolean object indicating if the file was successfully loaded.
checksum: This is an MD5 sum of the contents element and can be used to detect changes in the state.
MOD_TYPE: Character data containing the type of module "MB"
id: Character data containing the module id module in the session variable.
FM_yaml_file: App configuration file with FM as main section.
MOD_yaml_file: Module configuration file with MC as main section.
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", id_ASM = "ASM", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL)
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", id_ASM = "ASM", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL)
Creates a list of the initialized module state
MB_init_state(FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id, session)
MB_init_state(FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id, session)
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
id |
ID string for the module. |
session |
Shiny session variable |
list containing an empty MB state
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input state = MB_init_state( FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml"), id = "MB", session = session) state
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input state = MB_init_state( FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml"), id = "MB", session = session) state
Reads in the app state from yaml files.
state |
MB state object |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
yaml_list: Lists with preload components.
sess_res = MB_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state res = MB_mk_preload(state)
sess_res = MB_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state res = MB_mk_preload(state)
Appends a new empty model to the MB state object and makes this new model the active model.
state |
MB state from |
MB state object containing a new model and that
model is set as the current active model. See the help for
for model format.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Populates the supplied session variable with information from list of sources.
MB_preload( session, src_list, yaml_res, mod_ID = NULL, react_state = list(), quickload = FALSE )
MB_preload( session, src_list, yaml_res, mod_ID = NULL, react_state = list(), quickload = FALSE )
session |
Shiny session variable (in app) or a list (outside of app) |
src_list |
List of preload data (all read together with module IDs at the top level) |
yaml_res |
List data from module yaml config |
mod_ID |
Module ID of the module being loaded. |
react_state |
Reactive shiny object (in app) or a list (outside of app) used to trigger reactions. |
quickload |
Logical |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
session: Session object
input: The value of the shiny input at the end of the session initialization.
state: App state.
react_state: The react_state
Server function for the Model Builder Shiny Module
MB_Server( id, id_ASM = "ASM", FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml"), deployed = FALSE, react_state = NULL )
MB_Server( id, id_ASM = "ASM", FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml"), deployed = FALSE, react_state = NULL )
id |
An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the modules UI elements |
id_ASM |
ID string for the app state managment module used to save and load app states |
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
deployed |
Boolean variable indicating whether the app is deployed or not. |
react_state |
Variable passed to server to allow reaction outside of module ( |
MB Server object
Takes a MB state and returns the current active model
MB_set_current_element(state, element)
MB_set_current_element(state, element)
state |
MB state from |
element |
Element list from |
MB state object with the current model set using the supplied value.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Reads in models in the catalog and attempts to build them.
MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
state |
MB state from |
as_cran |
Boolean to indicate if you're running this on CRAN |
verbose |
Boolean to indicate if messages should be displayed. |
List with the following attributes:
isgood: Boolean varaible indicating if all the models in the catalog passed the test.
msgs: Messages indicating if the test was successful or not.
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Populates the supplied session variable for testing.
MB_test_mksession(session = list())
MB_test_mksession(session = list())
session |
Shiny session variable (in app) or a list (outside of app) |
The MB portion of the all_sess_res
returned from
session = shiny::MockShinySession$new() sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=session)
session = shiny::MockShinySession$new() sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=session)
Takes a MB state and updates the checksum used to trigger downstream updates
state |
MB state from |
MB state object with the checksum updated
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # We also need a state variable state = sess_res$state state = MB_update_checksum(state)
# Within shiny both session and input variables will exist, # this creates examples here for testing purposes: sess_res = MB_test_mksession() session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # We also need a state variable state = sess_res$state state = MB_update_checksum(state)
Takes an rxode2 object and updates the model components of the current element.
MB_update_model(state, session, current_ele, rx_obj, note, reset = FALSE)
MB_update_model(state, session, current_ele, rx_obj, note, reset = FALSE)
state |
MB state from |
session |
Shiny session variable |
current_ele |
MB model element from |
rx_obj |
rxode2 model from |
note |
text indicating what this update does (e.g. "added parameter") |
reset |
boolean indicating that the element needs to be reset (i.e. if
you change the base model) default: |
current_element with model attached
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
#library(ruminate) # This will get the full session: library(formods) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ sess_res = MB_test_mksession() # This is just for CRAN #sess_res = MB_test_mksession(session=list()) session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input # Configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "MB.yaml") # Creating an empty state object state = MB_fetch_state(id = "MB", input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, react_state = NULL) # This will provide a list of the available models models = MB_fetch_catalog(state) # This is a summary of the tables in the model: models$summary # This will test the models in the catalog, set as_cran # to FALSE to test all the models. mtres = MB_test_catalog(state, as_cran=TRUE) mtres$isgood # Creates a new empty element state = MB_new_element(state) # Delete the current element state = MB_del_current_element(state) # Fetch a list of the current element element = MB_fetch_current_element(state) # This will attach a model to it: # Pulling the first model from the catalog fcn_def = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Model"]] fcn_obj = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Object"]] mdl_type = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Type"]] fcn_desc = models[["summary"]][1, ][["Description"]] # This will build the rxode2 object from the model mk_rx_res = mk_rx_obj( type = mdl_type, model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj)) # This will attach the model to the current element element = MB_update_model( state = state, session = session, current_ele = element, rx_obj = mk_rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]], note = fcn_desc, reset = TRUE) # You can now place element back in the state state = MB_set_current_element(state, element) # This will fetch the current component component = MB_fetch_component(state, element) fares = MB_fetch_appends(state, element) # You can use the component to build the code to generate the model: gen_code = MB_build_code(state = state, session = session, fcn_def = component[["fcn_def"]], time_scale = element[["ui"]][["time_scale"]], fcn_obj_name = "my_fcn_obj", rx_obj_name = "my_obj_name", ts_obj_name = "my_ts_name") # Model code to be included in a larger script message(paste0(gen_code$model_code, collapse="\n")) # Stand-alone model code message(paste0(gen_code$model_code_sa, collapse="\n")) # This will fetch the code to regenerate all of the components of this module message(MB_fetch_code(state)) }
Takes the output of PKNCA and creates ggplot
figures faceted
by subject id highlighting of certain NCA aspects (e.g. points used for half-life)
mk_figure_ind_obs( ana_ds, OBS_LAB = "Concentration ===CONCUNITS===", TIME_LAB = "Time ===TIMEUNITS===", time_units = "", conc_units = "", col_map = list(), flag_map = list(), log_scale = TRUE, scales = "fixed", nfrows = 4, nfcols = 3, only_figs = NULL )
mk_figure_ind_obs( ana_ds, OBS_LAB = "Concentration ===CONCUNITS===", TIME_LAB = "Time ===TIMEUNITS===", time_units = "", conc_units = "", col_map = list(), flag_map = list(), log_scale = TRUE, scales = "fixed", nfrows = 4, nfcols = 3, only_figs = NULL )
ana_ds |
Analysis dataset. |
Label of the observation axis with optional ===CONCUNITS=== placeholder for units. |
Label of the time axis with optional ===TIMEUNITS=== placeholder for units. |
time_units |
Time units (default |
conc_units |
Concentration units (default |
col_map |
List with column mapping details |
flag_map |
List with flag mapping detials |
log_scale |
Boolean variable to control y-scale ( |
scales |
String to determine the scales used when faceting. Can be either |
nfrows |
Number of facet rows per page |
nfcols |
Number of facet cols per page |
only_figs |
Vector of figures to generate (e.g |
List containing the element figures
which is a list of figure
pages ("Figure 1"
, "Figure 2"
, etc.). Each of these is
a also a list containing two elements:
gg: A ggplot object for that page.
notes: Placeholder for future notes, but NULL now.
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
Creates an rxode2 object from a model (either rxode2 function or a NONMEM file)
mk_rx_obj(type, model)
mk_rx_obj(type, model)
type |
Type of supplied model can be "rxode2", "NONMEM" |
model |
List containing the relevant information about the model. This will depend on the model types.
Results of FM_tc()
when running the model. This will include
a field isgood
which is a boolean variable indicating success or
failure. See the documentation for FM_tc()
for the format returned
when evaluation results in a failure and how to address those. When
successful the capture
field will contain the following:
fcn_obj: The function name.
rx_obj: The built rxode2 object.
fcn_def = ' my_func = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl) vc <- exp(lvc) cp <- linCmt() cp ~ prop(propSd) }) }' fcn_obj = "my_func" model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj) rx_res = mk_rx_obj("rxode2", model) # function object rx_res[["capture"]][["fcn_obj"]] # rxode2 object rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]]
fcn_def = ' my_func = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl) vc <- exp(lvc) cp <- linCmt() cp ~ prop(propSd) }) }' fcn_obj = "my_func" model = list(fcn_def = fcn_def, fcn_obj = fcn_obj) rx_res = mk_rx_obj("rxode2", model) # function object rx_res[["capture"]][["fcn_obj"]] # rxode2 object rx_res[["capture"]][["rx_obj"]]
This will provide information like parameter names, covriates, etc from an rxode2 object.
mk_subjects(object, nsub = 10, covs = NULL)
mk_subjects(object, nsub = 10, covs = NULL)
object |
rxode2 model object An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the modules UI elements. |
nsub |
Number of subjects to generate. If set to 1 it will return the typical values (IIV set to zero). |
covs |
List describing how covariates should be generated. |
See below.
The underlying simulations are run using rxode2
, and as such we need
an rxode2
system object. From that we can either simulate subjects or
load them from a file. Next we need to define a set of rules. These will
be a set of conditions and actions. At each evaluation time point the
conditions are evaluated. When a condition is met the actions associated
with that condition are executed. For example, if during a visit (an
evaluation time point) the trough PK is below a certain level
(condition) we may want to increase the dosing regimen for the next
dosing cycle (action).
Subjects are expected in a data frame with the following column headers:
Individual subject id
Names of parameters and iiv as specified in the ini
section of the
function specification
Names of covariates used in the model.
— Creates subjects for simulation by sampling based on
between-subject variability and generating covariate information based
on user specifications.
The covs
input is a list with the following structure:
type: Can be either “fixed”, “discrete”, or “continuous”.
sampling: This field is only needed for a “continuous” covariate ’ type and can be either “random”, “normal” or “log-normal”.
values: This field depends on the type and optional sampling above.
fixed: A single value.
discrete: A vector of possible discrete elements.
continuous, random: Two values the first is the lower bound and the second is the upper bound.
continuous, normal: Two values the first is the mean and the second is the variance.
continuous, log-normal: Two values the first is the mean and the second is the variance.
This examples shows the SEX_ID
randomly sampled from the values
specified, SUBTYPE_ID
fixed at a value, and WT
sampled from a
log-normal distribution.
covs = list( SEX_ID = list(type = "discrete", values = c(0,1)), SUBTYPE_ID = list(type = "fixed", values = c(0)), WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) )
— This will run simulations based on the rule
definitions below.
Rules are a named list where the list name can be a short descriptive label used to remember what the rule does. These names will be returned as columns in the simulated data frame.
: Character string that evaluates to either TRUE
. When true the action
portion will be triggered. For a list
of objects available see the Rule-evaluation environment below.
: Flag set in the rule_id
column when the condition is
not met (set to "false"
if not specified).
: Flag set in the rule_id
column when the condition is
met (set to "true"
if not specified).
: This is what the rule will trigger can be any of the
: This defines the action type and can be either "dose"
"set state"
, or "manual"
Based on the type
the action
field will expect different elements.
: "dose"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric vector dosing
amounts (e.g. "c(3, 3, 3, 3)"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric vector of
times (e.g. "c(0, 14, 28, 42)"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric vector of
durations (e.g. "c(0, 0, 0, 0)"
, zero for bolus dosing)
Changing a state value:
: "set state"
: Character string with the name of the state to set ("Ac"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric value for
state (e.g. "Ac/2"
would set the state to half the value of Ac at
the evaluation point)
Manual modification of the simulation:
: "manual"
: Character string of code to evaluate.
Beyond simple simulations it will be necessary to execute actions based
on the current or previous state of the system. For this reason, when a
or elements of the action (e.g., the values
, times
of a dose action type) are being evaluated, the following
objects will be available at each evaluation point:
outputs: The value of each model output.
states: The value of each named state or compartment.
covariates: The value of each named covariate.
subject-level parameters: The value of each named parameter.
rule value: The last value the rule evaluated as.
: Current subject id.
: Current evaluation time.
: A data frame of the simulation history of the
current subject up to the current evaluation point.
: The subjects data frame.
: Vector of the evaluation times.
: The events table in it’s current state for the given
simulation interval.
: This is the history of the event table containing all
the events leading up to the current interval.
: This is a free form object the user can define or
alter within the “manual”action type (ud-user defined, history).
: This function will fetch the previous dose (fpd) for the
given id and state. For example for the current id
and the state
you would do the following:
SI_fpd(id=id, state="Ac")
You can include columns in your output for different time scales if you
wish. You need to create a list in the format below. One element should
be system
with a short name for the system time scale. The next should
be details
which is a list containing short names for each time scale
you want to include. Each of these is a list with a verbose name for the
time scale (verb
) and a numerical conversion indicating how that time
scale relates to the others. Here we define weeks and days on the basis
of seconds.
time_scales = list(system="days", details= list( weeks = list(verb="Weeks", conv=1/(60*60*24*7)), days = list(verb="Days", conv=1/(60*60*24))))
List with the following elements.
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Error or warning messages if any issues were encountered.
subjects: Data frame of parameters and covariates for the subjects generated.
iCov: Data frame of the covariates.
params: Data frame of the parameters.
vignette("clinical_trial_simulation", package = "ruminate")
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
Takes the output of PKNCA and creates a tabular view of the individual observation data. This can be spread out of over several tables (pages) if necessary.
mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res, obnd = NULL, flag_map = list(), digits = 3, text_format = "text", max_height = 7, max_width = 6.5, max_row = 17, max_col = 9, notes_detect = NULL, rows_by = "time" )
mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res, obnd = NULL, flag_map = list(), digits = 3, text_format = "text", max_height = 7, max_width = 6.5, max_row = 17, max_col = 9, notes_detect = NULL, rows_by = "time" )
nca_res |
Output of PKNCA. |
obnd |
onbrand reporting object. |
flag_map |
List with flag mapping detials |
digits |
Number of significant figures to report (set to |
text_format |
Either |
max_height |
Maximum height of the final table in inches (A value of |
max_width |
Maximum width of the final table in inches (A value of |
max_row |
Maximum number of rows to have on a page. Spillover will hang over the side of the page.. |
max_col |
Maximum number of columns to have on a page. Spillover will be wrapped to multiple pages. |
notes_detect |
Vector of strings to detect in output tables (example
rows_by |
Can be either "time" or "id". If it is "time", there will be a column for time and separate column for each subject ID. If rows_by is set to "id" there will be a column for ID and a column for each individual time. |
List containing the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
one_table: Dataframe of the entire table with the first lines containing the header.
one_body: Dataframe of the entire table (data only).
one_header: Dataframe of the entire header (row and body, no data).
tables: Named list of tables. Each list element is of the output
msgs: Vector of text messages describing any errors that were found.
format from build_span
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
Takes the output of PKNCA and creates a tabular view or any manual flags that were set. This can be spread out of over several tables (pages) if necessary.
mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res, obnd = NULL, flag_map = list(), digits = 3, text_format = "text", max_height = 7, max_width = 6.5, max_row = 17, max_col = 9, notes_detect = NULL )
mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res, obnd = NULL, flag_map = list(), digits = 3, text_format = "text", max_height = 7, max_width = 6.5, max_row = 17, max_col = 9, notes_detect = NULL )
nca_res |
Output of PKNCA. |
obnd |
onbrand reporting object. |
flag_map |
List with flag mapping detials |
digits |
Number of significant figures to report (set to |
text_format |
Either |
max_height |
Maximum height of the final table in inches (A value of |
max_width |
Maximum width of the final table in inches (A value of |
max_row |
Maximum number of rows to have on a page. Spillover will hang over the side of the page.. |
max_col |
Maximum number of columns to have on a page. Spillover will be wrapped to multiple pages. |
notes_detect |
Vector of strings to detect in output tables (example
List containing the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
one_table: Dataframe of the entire table with the first lines containing the header.
one_body: Dataframe of the entire table (data only).
one_header: Dataframe of the entire header (row and body, no data).
tables: Named list of tables. Each list element is of the output
msgs: Vector of text messages describing any errors that were found.
format from build_span
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
Create paginated tables from PKNCA to use in reports and Shiny apps.
mk_table_nca_params( nca_res, type = "individual", flag_map = list(), grouping = "interval", obnd = NULL, nps = NULL, mult_str = "*", infinity = "inf", digits = NULL, text_format = "text", notes_detect = NULL, max_height = 7, max_width = 6.5, max_row = 17, max_col = 9 )
mk_table_nca_params( nca_res, type = "individual", flag_map = list(), grouping = "interval", obnd = NULL, nps = NULL, mult_str = "*", infinity = "inf", digits = NULL, text_format = "text", notes_detect = NULL, max_height = 7, max_width = 6.5, max_row = 17, max_col = 9 )
nca_res |
Output of PKNCA. |
type |
Type of table to generate. Can be either |
flag_map |
List with flag mapping details. |
grouping |
How to group columns in tables. Can be either |
obnd |
onbrand reporting object. |
nps |
NCA parameter summary table with the following columns.
mult_str |
Text string to replace * values in units. |
infinity |
Text string to replace infinity in time intervals in column headers. |
digits |
Number of significant figures to report (set to |
text_format |
Either |
notes_detect |
Vector of strings to detect in output tables (example |
max_height |
Maximum height of the final table in inches (A value of |
max_width |
Maximum width of the final table in inches (A value of |
max_row |
Maximum number of rows to have on a page. Spillover will hang over the side of the page.. |
max_col |
Maximum number of columns to have on a page. Spillover will be wrapped to multiple pages. |
list containing the following elements
raw_nca: Raw PKNCA output.
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
one_table: Dataframe of the entire table with the first lines containing the header.
one_body: Dataframe of the entire table (data only).
one_header: Dataframe of the entire header (row and body, no data).
tables: Named list of tables. Each list element is of the output
msgs: Vector of text messages describing any errors that were found.
format from build_span
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ruminate) library(PKNCA) library(formods) if(formods::is_installed("readxl")){ library(readxl) # Reporting object rpt = onbrand::read_template( template = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"), mapping = file.path(system.file(package = "onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml") ) # metadata about NCA parameters nps = NCA_fetch_np_meta()[["summary"]] # Datafile with only 3 subjects for the example data_file = system.file(package="formods","test_data","TEST_DATA.xlsx") myDS = readxl::read_excel(path=data_file, sheet="DATA") |> dplyr::filter(EVID == 0) |> dplyr::filter(str_detect(string=Cohort, "^SD")) |> dplyr::filter(CMT == "C_ng_ml") # First three subjects for the example myDS = myDS |> dplyr::filter(ID %in% unique(myDS$ID)[1:3]) # This contains flags used in functions below. # - manual indicates that it can be assinged with manual point selection. # This SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED # - color color used when plotting flagged points # - sn short name used in table to identify flagged points # - description short description used in figure legends # - notes notes that go at the bottom of tables flag_map = list( reset = list( manual = "yes", color = "black", sn = "NF", description = "No Flag", notes = "reset point/selection to dataset default" ), obs = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "OBS", description = "Observation", notes = "normal observation" ), blq = list( manual = "no", color = "#56B4E9", sn = "BLQ", description = "BLQ", notes = "below the level of quantification" ), hlex = list( manual = "yes", color = "#F0E441", sn = "HX", description = "Exclude Half-life", notes = "exclude from half-life calculation" ), hlin = list( manual = "yes", color = "#029E73", sn = "HI", description = "Specify Half-life", notes = "specified for inclusion in half-life calculation" ), censor = list( manual = "yes", color = "#D65E00", sn = "C", description = "Censored", notes = "censored from analysis" ), ns = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NS", description = "Not Sampled", notes = "not calculated" ), nc = list( manual = "no", color = "black", sn = "NC", description = "Not Calclated", notes = "not calculated" ) ) # Creating column mapping col_map = list( col_id = c("ID"), col_dose = c("DOSE"), col_conc = c("DV"), col_dur = NULL, col_analyte = c("CMT"), col_route = c("ROUTE"), col_time = c("TIME_DY"), col_ntime = c("NTIME_DY"), col_group = NULL, col_evid = c("EVID"), col_cycle = c("DOSE_NUM") ) # This flags specific rows in the source dataset based # on the row number. See flag_map for possible flags # (those that include manual="yes"). To # remove a flag just delete the row. ds_flags = dplyr::tribble( ~key, ~flag, ~note, "rec_3", "censor", "worst point", "rec_7", "hlex", "bad point" ) # Defining patterns to look for different ways routes were specified. route_map = list( intravascular = c("^(?i)iv$"), extravascular = c("^(?i)sc$", "^(?i)oral") ) myDS = apply_route_map(route_map = route_map, route_col = "ROUTE", DS = myDS) utils::head(myDS[["ROUTE"]]) # Extracting dosing records from the dataset dose_rec = dose_records_builder( NCA_DS = myDS, col_map = col_map, dose_from = "cols")[["dose_rec"]] # Applying the flags to the dataset conc_DS = flag_nca_ds( DS = myDS, flag_map = flag_map, col_map = col_map, ds_flags = ds_flags) nca_dose = PKNCA::PKNCAdose(dose_rec, DOSE~TIME_DY|ID, route = "ROUTE") # NCA concentration object nca_conc = PKNCA::PKNCAconc( data = conc_DS, formula = DV~TIME_DY|ID/CMT, time.nominal = "NTIME_DY", sparse = FALSE, exclude_half.life = "rmnt_hlex", include_half.life = "rmnt_hlin", exclude = "rmnt_cens" ) # NCA units table nca_units = PKNCA::pknca_units_table( concu = "ng/mL", doseu = "mg", amountu = "mg", timeu = "day") # Analysis intervals nca_intervals = data.frame( start = c(0, 0), end = c(Inf, 21), half.life = c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs = c(TRUE, FALSE), cmax = c(FALSE, TRUE), auclast = c(FALSE, TRUE) ) # Data packaged up for PKNCA nca_data = PKNCA::PKNCAdata( data.conc = nca_conc, data.dose = nca_dose, intervals = nca_intervals, units = nca_units) # Running NCA nca_res = PKNCA::pk.nca(nca_data) # Generating figures of indiviudal profiles figure_ind_obs = mk_figure_ind_obs( conc_DS, time_units = "day", conc_units = "ng/mL", col_map = col_map, flag_map = flag_map, nfrows = 4, nfcols = 4, log_scale = TRUE) # Generating tables of the concentration data table_ind_obs = mk_table_ind_obs( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of the manual flags applied table_ind_obs_flags = mk_table_ind_obs_flags( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, digits = 3) table_ind_obs_flags$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft # Generating tables of individual parameters table_ind_params = mk_table_nca_params( nca_res = nca_res, obnd = rpt, flag_map = flag_map, nps = nps, text_format = "md", digits = 3) print(figure_ind_obs$figures$Figure_1$gg) table_ind_params$tables[["Table 1"]]$ft }
Takes the start time, stop time, and NCA parameters and adds them to the intervals table of the current analysis
NCA_add_int(state, interval_start, interval_stop, nca_parameters)
NCA_add_int(state, interval_start, interval_stop, nca_parameters)
state |
NCA state from |
interval_start |
Interval start time (numeric). |
interval_stop |
Interval stop time (numeric). |
nca_parameters |
list of NCA parameters in the interval |
State with interval added to the current analysis.
Takes an NCA state object and appends any reportable elements for the specified report type. On NCA analyses that are in a "good" state will be reported. Those not in a good state will be ignored.
NCA_append_report(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
NCA_append_report(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
state |
NCA state from |
rpt |
Report with the current content of the report which will be appended to in
this function. For details on the structure see the documentation for
rpttype |
Type of report to generate (supported "xlsx", "pptx", "docx"). |
gen_code_only |
Boolean value indicating that only code should be
generated ( |
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
hasrptele: Boolean indicator if the module has any reportable elements.
code: Code to create report elements.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
rpt: Report with any additions passed back to the user.
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state # here we need an empty report object for tabular data rpt = list(summary = list(), sheets=list()) # Now we append the report indicating we want # Excel output: rpt_res = NCA_append_report(state, rpt = rpt, rpttype = "xlsx", gen_code_only = TRUE) # Shows if report elements are present rpt_res$hasrptele # Code chunk to generate report element cat(paste(rpt_res$code, collapse="\n"))
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state # here we need an empty report object for tabular data rpt = list(summary = list(), sheets=list()) # Now we append the report indicating we want # Excel output: rpt_res = NCA_append_report(state, rpt = rpt, rpttype = "xlsx", gen_code_only = TRUE) # Shows if report elements are present rpt_res$hasrptele # Code chunk to generate report element cat(paste(rpt_res$code, collapse="\n"))
Takes figures created using the make figure functions and appends those figures to the specified report. While it takes all report types, it should act as a pass through for "xlsx"
nca_append_report_figs( rpt = NULL, mfres = list(), rpttype = "docx", fig_id = paste0("fig_", abs(rnorm(1))), fig_desc = "Description of figure", fig_height = 7, fig_width = 6, fig_start = c(0.07, 0.3), fig_stop = c(0.93, 0.99), text_format = "text", caption_single = "A figure.", caption_multiple = "Figure ===FIGNUM=== of ===FIGTOT===.", title_single = "A figure title.", title_multiple = "A figure title ===FIGNUM=== of ===FIGTOT===.", sub_title_single = "Figure sub titles.", sub_title_multiple = "Figure sub titles ===FIGNUM=== of ===FIGTOT===.", flag_map = list() )
nca_append_report_figs( rpt = NULL, mfres = list(), rpttype = "docx", fig_id = paste0("fig_", abs(rnorm(1))), fig_desc = "Description of figure", fig_height = 7, fig_width = 6, fig_start = c(0.07, 0.3), fig_stop = c(0.93, 0.99), text_format = "text", caption_single = "A figure.", caption_multiple = "Figure ===FIGNUM=== of ===FIGTOT===.", title_single = "A figure title.", title_multiple = "A figure title ===FIGNUM=== of ===FIGTOT===.", sub_title_single = "Figure sub titles.", sub_title_multiple = "Figure sub titles ===FIGNUM=== of ===FIGTOT===.", flag_map = list() )
rpt |
Reporting object (onbrand object for "pptx" and "docx" rpttypes and a list for "xlsx") |
mfres |
Output from make figure functions (e.g. |
rpttype |
Type of report either ("docx" (default), "pptx", or "xlsx") |
fig_id |
Unique figure ID |
fig_desc |
Verbose description of the figure |
fig_height |
Word report figure height in inches (7) |
fig_width |
Word report figure width in inches (6) |
fig_start |
In PowerPoint the x and y locations to start relateive to the upper left of the slide. |
fig_stop |
In PowerPoint the x and y locations to stop relateive to the upper left of the slide. |
text_format |
How to format text ("md" for markdown or "text" for regular text (default)) |
caption_single |
Caption for a single figure |
caption_multiple |
Caption for a multiple figures with optional placeholders
for the total number of figures ( |
title_single |
Title for a single figure |
title_multiple |
title for a multiple figures with optional placeholders
for the total number of figures ( |
sub_title_single |
Title for a single figure |
sub_title_multiple |
title for a multiple figures with optional placeholders
for the total number of figures ( |
flag_map |
List with flag mapping details. |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
obnd: Report with tables added.
if(interactive()){ # original file: inst/templates/ruminate.R library(formods) library(ruminate) # These are suggested packages library(shinydashboard) #library(ggpubr) #library(plotly) #library(shinybusy) library(prompter) #library(utils) tags$style("@import url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.4.0/css/all.css);") # You can copy these locally and customize them for your own needs. Simply # change the assignment to the local copy you've modified. formods.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") ASM.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "ASM.yaml") UD.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "UD.yaml") DW.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "DW.yaml") FG.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "FG.yaml") NCA.yaml = system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Name of file to indicate we need to load testing data ftmptest = file.path(tempdir(), "ruminate.test") # Making sure that the deployed object is created if(!exists("deployed")){ deployed = FALSE } # If the DEPLOYED file marker existrs we set deployed to TRUE if(file.exists("DEPLOYED")){ deployed = TRUE } # # Making sure that the run_dev object is created # if(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "RUMINTE_DEVELOPMENT"))){ # run_dev = TRUE # }else{ # run_dev = FALSE # } # If the SETUP.R file exists we source it if(file.exists("SETUP.R")){ source("SETUP.R") } CSS <- " .wrapfig { float: right; shape-margin: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } " #https://fontawesome.com/icons?from=io logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/john-harrold/ruminate/main/man/figures/logo.png" data_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/formods/raw/master/inst/test_data/TEST_DATA.xlsx" run_url = "https://runruminate.ubiquity.tools/" use_url = "https://useruminate.ubiquity.tools/" main_url = "https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/" issue_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/ruminate/issues" intro_text = tags$p( "Ruminate is a shiny module for pharmacometric data processing, visualization, and analysis. It consists of separate shiny modules that provide interfaces into common R packages and provides the underlying code. This is done to facilitate usage of those packages and to provide reproducible analyses." , tags$li( "To find out more visit ", tags$a("ruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=main_url),""), tags$li( "To give it a try you can download a test dataset ", tags$a("here", href=data_url),""), tags$li( "Go to ", tags$a("useruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=use_url)," for a video demonstrating how to use ruminate"), tags$li( "If you run into any problems, have questions, or want a feature please visit the ", tags$a("issues", href=issue_url)," page") ) ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage( skin="black", shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(title="ruminate"), shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar( shinydashboard::sidebarMenu( shinydashboard::menuItem("Load/Save", tabName="loadsave", icon=icon("arrow-down-up-across-line")) , shinydashboard::menuItem("Transform Data", tabName="wrangle", icon=icon("shuffle")), shinydashboard::menuItem("Visualize", tabName="plot", icon=icon("chart-line")), shinydashboard::menuItem("NCA", tabName="nca", icon=icon("chart-area")), shinydashboard::menuItem("App Info", tabName="sysinfo", icon=icon("book-medical")) ) ), shinydashboard::dashboardBody( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(CSS)) ), shinydashboard::tabItems( shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="nca", shinydashboard::box(title="Non-Compartmental Analysis", width=12, fluidRow( prompter::use_prompt(), column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("NCA", "NCA_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="loadsave", # shinydashboard::box(title=NULL, width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="load_data", title=tagList(shiny::icon("file-arrow-up"), "Load Data"), fluidRow( column(width=6, div(style="display:inline-block;width:100%", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_load_data"))), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_clean")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_select_sheets")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_workflows")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_text_load_result"))), column(width=6, tags$p( tags$img( class = "wrapfig", src = logo_url, width = 150, alt = "formods logo" ), intro_text )) ), fluidRow( column(width=12, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_data_preview"))) )) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="save_state", title=tagList(shiny::icon("arrow-down-up-across-line"), "Save or Load Analysis"), fluidRow( column(width=5, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_compact")) )) ) ) ) # ), ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="wrangle", shinydashboard::box(title="Transform and Create Views of Your Data", width=12, fluidRow( column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("DW", "DW_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="plot", shinydashboard::box(title="Visualize Data", width=12, htmlOutput(NS("FG", "FG_ui_compact")))), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="sysinfo", # box(title="System Details", width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_packages", title=tagList(shiny::icon("box-open"), "Installed Packages"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_packages")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_modules", title=tagList(shiny::icon("cubes"), "Loaded Modules"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_modules")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_log", title=tagList(shiny::icon("clipboard-list"), "Log"), verbatimTextOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_log")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_options", title=tagList(shiny::icon("sliders"), "R Options"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_options")) ) # ) )) ) ) ) # Main app server server <- function(input, output, session) { # Empty reactive object to track and react to # changes in the module state outside of the module react_FM = reactiveValues() # Module IDs and the order they are needed for code generation mod_ids = c("UD", "DW", "FG", "NCA", "MB") # If the ftmptest file is present we load test data if(file.exists(ftmptest)){ sources = c(system.file(package="formods", "preload", "ASM_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "UD_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "FG_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "DW_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="ruminate", "preload", "NCA_preload.yaml")) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources=sources) # Otherwise we look for a preload file and load that if it exists } else if(file.exists("preload.yaml")){ shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="Preloading analysis, be patient", session=session) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources="preload.yaml") shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner(session = session) } # Module servers formods::ASM_Server( id="ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml, MOD_yaml_file = ASM.yaml, mod_ids = mod_ids) formods::UD_Server( id ="UD", id_ASM = "ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = UD.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::DW_Server( id="DW", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = DW.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::FG_Server( id="FG", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = FG.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) ruminate::NCA_Server(id ="NCA", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = NCA.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) } shinyApp(ui, server) }
if(interactive()){ # original file: inst/templates/ruminate.R library(formods) library(ruminate) # These are suggested packages library(shinydashboard) #library(ggpubr) #library(plotly) #library(shinybusy) library(prompter) #library(utils) tags$style("@import url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.4.0/css/all.css);") # You can copy these locally and customize them for your own needs. Simply # change the assignment to the local copy you've modified. formods.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") ASM.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "ASM.yaml") UD.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "UD.yaml") DW.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "DW.yaml") FG.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "FG.yaml") NCA.yaml = system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Name of file to indicate we need to load testing data ftmptest = file.path(tempdir(), "ruminate.test") # Making sure that the deployed object is created if(!exists("deployed")){ deployed = FALSE } # If the DEPLOYED file marker existrs we set deployed to TRUE if(file.exists("DEPLOYED")){ deployed = TRUE } # # Making sure that the run_dev object is created # if(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "RUMINTE_DEVELOPMENT"))){ # run_dev = TRUE # }else{ # run_dev = FALSE # } # If the SETUP.R file exists we source it if(file.exists("SETUP.R")){ source("SETUP.R") } CSS <- " .wrapfig { float: right; shape-margin: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } " #https://fontawesome.com/icons?from=io logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/john-harrold/ruminate/main/man/figures/logo.png" data_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/formods/raw/master/inst/test_data/TEST_DATA.xlsx" run_url = "https://runruminate.ubiquity.tools/" use_url = "https://useruminate.ubiquity.tools/" main_url = "https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/" issue_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/ruminate/issues" intro_text = tags$p( "Ruminate is a shiny module for pharmacometric data processing, visualization, and analysis. It consists of separate shiny modules that provide interfaces into common R packages and provides the underlying code. This is done to facilitate usage of those packages and to provide reproducible analyses." , tags$li( "To find out more visit ", tags$a("ruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=main_url),""), tags$li( "To give it a try you can download a test dataset ", tags$a("here", href=data_url),""), tags$li( "Go to ", tags$a("useruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=use_url)," for a video demonstrating how to use ruminate"), tags$li( "If you run into any problems, have questions, or want a feature please visit the ", tags$a("issues", href=issue_url)," page") ) ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage( skin="black", shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(title="ruminate"), shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar( shinydashboard::sidebarMenu( shinydashboard::menuItem("Load/Save", tabName="loadsave", icon=icon("arrow-down-up-across-line")) , shinydashboard::menuItem("Transform Data", tabName="wrangle", icon=icon("shuffle")), shinydashboard::menuItem("Visualize", tabName="plot", icon=icon("chart-line")), shinydashboard::menuItem("NCA", tabName="nca", icon=icon("chart-area")), shinydashboard::menuItem("App Info", tabName="sysinfo", icon=icon("book-medical")) ) ), shinydashboard::dashboardBody( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(CSS)) ), shinydashboard::tabItems( shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="nca", shinydashboard::box(title="Non-Compartmental Analysis", width=12, fluidRow( prompter::use_prompt(), column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("NCA", "NCA_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="loadsave", # shinydashboard::box(title=NULL, width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="load_data", title=tagList(shiny::icon("file-arrow-up"), "Load Data"), fluidRow( column(width=6, div(style="display:inline-block;width:100%", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_load_data"))), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_clean")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_select_sheets")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_workflows")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_text_load_result"))), column(width=6, tags$p( tags$img( class = "wrapfig", src = logo_url, width = 150, alt = "formods logo" ), intro_text )) ), fluidRow( column(width=12, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_data_preview"))) )) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="save_state", title=tagList(shiny::icon("arrow-down-up-across-line"), "Save or Load Analysis"), fluidRow( column(width=5, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_compact")) )) ) ) ) # ), ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="wrangle", shinydashboard::box(title="Transform and Create Views of Your Data", width=12, fluidRow( column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("DW", "DW_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="plot", shinydashboard::box(title="Visualize Data", width=12, htmlOutput(NS("FG", "FG_ui_compact")))), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="sysinfo", # box(title="System Details", width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_packages", title=tagList(shiny::icon("box-open"), "Installed Packages"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_packages")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_modules", title=tagList(shiny::icon("cubes"), "Loaded Modules"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_modules")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_log", title=tagList(shiny::icon("clipboard-list"), "Log"), verbatimTextOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_log")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_options", title=tagList(shiny::icon("sliders"), "R Options"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_options")) ) # ) )) ) ) ) # Main app server server <- function(input, output, session) { # Empty reactive object to track and react to # changes in the module state outside of the module react_FM = reactiveValues() # Module IDs and the order they are needed for code generation mod_ids = c("UD", "DW", "FG", "NCA", "MB") # If the ftmptest file is present we load test data if(file.exists(ftmptest)){ sources = c(system.file(package="formods", "preload", "ASM_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "UD_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "FG_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "DW_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="ruminate", "preload", "NCA_preload.yaml")) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources=sources) # Otherwise we look for a preload file and load that if it exists } else if(file.exists("preload.yaml")){ shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="Preloading analysis, be patient", session=session) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources="preload.yaml") shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner(session = session) } # Module servers formods::ASM_Server( id="ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml, MOD_yaml_file = ASM.yaml, mod_ids = mod_ids) formods::UD_Server( id ="UD", id_ASM = "ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = UD.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::DW_Server( id="DW", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = DW.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::FG_Server( id="FG", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = FG.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) ruminate::NCA_Server(id ="NCA", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = NCA.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) } shinyApp(ui, server) }
Takes an NCA state object and appends any reportable elements for the specified report type. On NCA analyses that are in a "good" state will be reported. Those not in a good state will be ignored.
NCA_append_report_old(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
NCA_append_report_old(state, rpt, rpttype, gen_code_only = FALSE)
state |
NCA state from |
rpt |
Report with the current content of the report which will be appended to in
this function. For details on the structure see the documentation for
rpttype |
Type of report to generate (supported "xlsx", "pptx", "docx"). |
gen_code_only |
Boolean value indicating that only code should be
generated ( |
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
hasrptele: Boolean indicator if the module has any reportable elements.
code: Code to create report elements.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
rpt: Report with any additions passed back to the user.
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state # here we need an empty report object for tabular data rpt = list(summary = list(), sheets=list()) # Now we append the report indicating we want # Excel output: rpt_res = NCA_append_report(state, rpt = rpt, rpttype = "xlsx", gen_code_only = TRUE) # Shows if report elements are present rpt_res$hasrptele # Code chunk to generate report element cat(paste(rpt_res$code, collapse="\n"))
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state # here we need an empty report object for tabular data rpt = list(summary = list(), sheets=list()) # Now we append the report indicating we want # Excel output: rpt_res = NCA_append_report(state, rpt = rpt, rpttype = "xlsx", gen_code_only = TRUE) # Shows if report elements are present rpt_res$hasrptele # Code chunk to generate report element cat(paste(rpt_res$code, collapse="\n"))
Takes a table(s) created using onbrand::span_tables()
and appends table(s) to the specified report.
nca_append_report_tbls( rpt = NULL, stres = list(), rpttype = "docx", tab_id = paste0("tab_", abs(rnorm(1))), tab_desc = "Description of table", text_format = "text", caption_single = "A Table.", caption_multiple = "Table ===TABNUM=== of ===TABTOT===.", flag_map = list() )
nca_append_report_tbls( rpt = NULL, stres = list(), rpttype = "docx", tab_id = paste0("tab_", abs(rnorm(1))), tab_desc = "Description of table", text_format = "text", caption_single = "A Table.", caption_multiple = "Table ===TABNUM=== of ===TABTOT===.", flag_map = list() )
rpt |
Reporting object (onbrand object for "pptx" and "docx" rpttypes and a list for "xlsx") |
stres |
Output from span tables |
rpttype |
Type of report either ("docx" (default), "pptx", or "xlsx") |
tab_id |
Unique table ID |
tab_desc |
Verbose description of the table |
text_format |
How to format text ("md" for markdown or "text" for regular text (default)) |
caption_single |
Caption for a single table |
caption_multiple |
Caption for a multiple tables with optional placeholders
for the total number of tables ( |
flag_map |
List with flag mapping details. |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
obnd: Report with tables added.
if(interactive()){ # original file: inst/templates/ruminate.R library(formods) library(ruminate) # These are suggested packages library(shinydashboard) #library(ggpubr) #library(plotly) #library(shinybusy) library(prompter) #library(utils) tags$style("@import url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.4.0/css/all.css);") # You can copy these locally and customize them for your own needs. Simply # change the assignment to the local copy you've modified. formods.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") ASM.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "ASM.yaml") UD.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "UD.yaml") DW.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "DW.yaml") FG.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "FG.yaml") NCA.yaml = system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Name of file to indicate we need to load testing data ftmptest = file.path(tempdir(), "ruminate.test") # Making sure that the deployed object is created if(!exists("deployed")){ deployed = FALSE } # If the DEPLOYED file marker existrs we set deployed to TRUE if(file.exists("DEPLOYED")){ deployed = TRUE } # # Making sure that the run_dev object is created # if(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "RUMINTE_DEVELOPMENT"))){ # run_dev = TRUE # }else{ # run_dev = FALSE # } # If the SETUP.R file exists we source it if(file.exists("SETUP.R")){ source("SETUP.R") } CSS <- " .wrapfig { float: right; shape-margin: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } " #https://fontawesome.com/icons?from=io logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/john-harrold/ruminate/main/man/figures/logo.png" data_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/formods/raw/master/inst/test_data/TEST_DATA.xlsx" run_url = "https://runruminate.ubiquity.tools/" use_url = "https://useruminate.ubiquity.tools/" main_url = "https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/" issue_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/ruminate/issues" intro_text = tags$p( "Ruminate is a shiny module for pharmacometric data processing, visualization, and analysis. It consists of separate shiny modules that provide interfaces into common R packages and provides the underlying code. This is done to facilitate usage of those packages and to provide reproducible analyses." , tags$li( "To find out more visit ", tags$a("ruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=main_url),""), tags$li( "To give it a try you can download a test dataset ", tags$a("here", href=data_url),""), tags$li( "Go to ", tags$a("useruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=use_url)," for a video demonstrating how to use ruminate"), tags$li( "If you run into any problems, have questions, or want a feature please visit the ", tags$a("issues", href=issue_url)," page") ) ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage( skin="black", shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(title="ruminate"), shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar( shinydashboard::sidebarMenu( shinydashboard::menuItem("Load/Save", tabName="loadsave", icon=icon("arrow-down-up-across-line")) , shinydashboard::menuItem("Transform Data", tabName="wrangle", icon=icon("shuffle")), shinydashboard::menuItem("Visualize", tabName="plot", icon=icon("chart-line")), shinydashboard::menuItem("NCA", tabName="nca", icon=icon("chart-area")), shinydashboard::menuItem("App Info", tabName="sysinfo", icon=icon("book-medical")) ) ), shinydashboard::dashboardBody( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(CSS)) ), shinydashboard::tabItems( shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="nca", shinydashboard::box(title="Non-Compartmental Analysis", width=12, fluidRow( prompter::use_prompt(), column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("NCA", "NCA_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="loadsave", # shinydashboard::box(title=NULL, width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="load_data", title=tagList(shiny::icon("file-arrow-up"), "Load Data"), fluidRow( column(width=6, div(style="display:inline-block;width:100%", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_load_data"))), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_clean")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_select_sheets")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_workflows")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_text_load_result"))), column(width=6, tags$p( tags$img( class = "wrapfig", src = logo_url, width = 150, alt = "formods logo" ), intro_text )) ), fluidRow( column(width=12, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_data_preview"))) )) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="save_state", title=tagList(shiny::icon("arrow-down-up-across-line"), "Save or Load Analysis"), fluidRow( column(width=5, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_compact")) )) ) ) ) # ), ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="wrangle", shinydashboard::box(title="Transform and Create Views of Your Data", width=12, fluidRow( column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("DW", "DW_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="plot", shinydashboard::box(title="Visualize Data", width=12, htmlOutput(NS("FG", "FG_ui_compact")))), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="sysinfo", # box(title="System Details", width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_packages", title=tagList(shiny::icon("box-open"), "Installed Packages"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_packages")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_modules", title=tagList(shiny::icon("cubes"), "Loaded Modules"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_modules")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_log", title=tagList(shiny::icon("clipboard-list"), "Log"), verbatimTextOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_log")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_options", title=tagList(shiny::icon("sliders"), "R Options"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_options")) ) # ) )) ) ) ) # Main app server server <- function(input, output, session) { # Empty reactive object to track and react to # changes in the module state outside of the module react_FM = reactiveValues() # Module IDs and the order they are needed for code generation mod_ids = c("UD", "DW", "FG", "NCA", "MB") # If the ftmptest file is present we load test data if(file.exists(ftmptest)){ sources = c(system.file(package="formods", "preload", "ASM_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "UD_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "FG_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "DW_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="ruminate", "preload", "NCA_preload.yaml")) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources=sources) # Otherwise we look for a preload file and load that if it exists } else if(file.exists("preload.yaml")){ shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="Preloading analysis, be patient", session=session) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources="preload.yaml") shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner(session = session) } # Module servers formods::ASM_Server( id="ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml, MOD_yaml_file = ASM.yaml, mod_ids = mod_ids) formods::UD_Server( id ="UD", id_ASM = "ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = UD.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::DW_Server( id="DW", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = DW.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::FG_Server( id="FG", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = FG.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) ruminate::NCA_Server(id ="NCA", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = NCA.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) } shinyApp(ui, server) }
if(interactive()){ # original file: inst/templates/ruminate.R library(formods) library(ruminate) # These are suggested packages library(shinydashboard) #library(ggpubr) #library(plotly) #library(shinybusy) library(prompter) #library(utils) tags$style("@import url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.4.0/css/all.css);") # You can copy these locally and customize them for your own needs. Simply # change the assignment to the local copy you've modified. formods.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") ASM.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "ASM.yaml") UD.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "UD.yaml") DW.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "DW.yaml") FG.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "FG.yaml") NCA.yaml = system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Name of file to indicate we need to load testing data ftmptest = file.path(tempdir(), "ruminate.test") # Making sure that the deployed object is created if(!exists("deployed")){ deployed = FALSE } # If the DEPLOYED file marker existrs we set deployed to TRUE if(file.exists("DEPLOYED")){ deployed = TRUE } # # Making sure that the run_dev object is created # if(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "RUMINTE_DEVELOPMENT"))){ # run_dev = TRUE # }else{ # run_dev = FALSE # } # If the SETUP.R file exists we source it if(file.exists("SETUP.R")){ source("SETUP.R") } CSS <- " .wrapfig { float: right; shape-margin: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } " #https://fontawesome.com/icons?from=io logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/john-harrold/ruminate/main/man/figures/logo.png" data_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/formods/raw/master/inst/test_data/TEST_DATA.xlsx" run_url = "https://runruminate.ubiquity.tools/" use_url = "https://useruminate.ubiquity.tools/" main_url = "https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/" issue_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/ruminate/issues" intro_text = tags$p( "Ruminate is a shiny module for pharmacometric data processing, visualization, and analysis. It consists of separate shiny modules that provide interfaces into common R packages and provides the underlying code. This is done to facilitate usage of those packages and to provide reproducible analyses." , tags$li( "To find out more visit ", tags$a("ruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=main_url),""), tags$li( "To give it a try you can download a test dataset ", tags$a("here", href=data_url),""), tags$li( "Go to ", tags$a("useruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=use_url)," for a video demonstrating how to use ruminate"), tags$li( "If you run into any problems, have questions, or want a feature please visit the ", tags$a("issues", href=issue_url)," page") ) ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage( skin="black", shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(title="ruminate"), shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar( shinydashboard::sidebarMenu( shinydashboard::menuItem("Load/Save", tabName="loadsave", icon=icon("arrow-down-up-across-line")) , shinydashboard::menuItem("Transform Data", tabName="wrangle", icon=icon("shuffle")), shinydashboard::menuItem("Visualize", tabName="plot", icon=icon("chart-line")), shinydashboard::menuItem("NCA", tabName="nca", icon=icon("chart-area")), shinydashboard::menuItem("App Info", tabName="sysinfo", icon=icon("book-medical")) ) ), shinydashboard::dashboardBody( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(CSS)) ), shinydashboard::tabItems( shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="nca", shinydashboard::box(title="Non-Compartmental Analysis", width=12, fluidRow( prompter::use_prompt(), column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("NCA", "NCA_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="loadsave", # shinydashboard::box(title=NULL, width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="load_data", title=tagList(shiny::icon("file-arrow-up"), "Load Data"), fluidRow( column(width=6, div(style="display:inline-block;width:100%", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_load_data"))), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_clean")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_select_sheets")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_workflows")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_text_load_result"))), column(width=6, tags$p( tags$img( class = "wrapfig", src = logo_url, width = 150, alt = "formods logo" ), intro_text )) ), fluidRow( column(width=12, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_data_preview"))) )) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="save_state", title=tagList(shiny::icon("arrow-down-up-across-line"), "Save or Load Analysis"), fluidRow( column(width=5, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_compact")) )) ) ) ) # ), ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="wrangle", shinydashboard::box(title="Transform and Create Views of Your Data", width=12, fluidRow( column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("DW", "DW_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="plot", shinydashboard::box(title="Visualize Data", width=12, htmlOutput(NS("FG", "FG_ui_compact")))), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="sysinfo", # box(title="System Details", width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_packages", title=tagList(shiny::icon("box-open"), "Installed Packages"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_packages")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_modules", title=tagList(shiny::icon("cubes"), "Loaded Modules"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_modules")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_log", title=tagList(shiny::icon("clipboard-list"), "Log"), verbatimTextOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_log")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_options", title=tagList(shiny::icon("sliders"), "R Options"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_options")) ) # ) )) ) ) ) # Main app server server <- function(input, output, session) { # Empty reactive object to track and react to # changes in the module state outside of the module react_FM = reactiveValues() # Module IDs and the order they are needed for code generation mod_ids = c("UD", "DW", "FG", "NCA", "MB") # If the ftmptest file is present we load test data if(file.exists(ftmptest)){ sources = c(system.file(package="formods", "preload", "ASM_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "UD_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "FG_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "DW_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="ruminate", "preload", "NCA_preload.yaml")) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources=sources) # Otherwise we look for a preload file and load that if it exists } else if(file.exists("preload.yaml")){ shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="Preloading analysis, be patient", session=session) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources="preload.yaml") shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner(session = session) } # Module servers formods::ASM_Server( id="ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml, MOD_yaml_file = ASM.yaml, mod_ids = mod_ids) formods::UD_Server( id ="UD", id_ASM = "ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = UD.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::DW_Server( id="DW", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = DW.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::FG_Server( id="FG", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = FG.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) ruminate::NCA_Server(id ="NCA", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = NCA.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) } shinyApp(ui, server) }
Takes the current analysis in the state object and creates the code to run the analysis
state |
NCA state from |
NCA state with the NCA for the current analysis built.
# We need a module variables to be defined sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state state = nca_builder(state)
# We need a module variables to be defined sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state state = nca_builder(state)
Fetches the dataset used for the specified analysis
NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana)
NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana)
state |
NCA state from |
current_ana |
Current value in the analysis |
Dataset from the ds
field of FM_fetch_ds()
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Fetches the PKNCA output for a specified analysis
NCA_fetch_ana_pknca(state, current_ana)
NCA_fetch_ana_pknca(state, current_ana)
state |
NCA state from |
current_ana |
Current value in the analysis |
Dataset from the ds
field of FM_fetch_ds()
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Fetches the code to generate results seen in the app
state |
NCA state from |
Character object vector with the lines of code
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Takes an NCA state and returns the current active analysis
state |
NCA state from |
List containing the details of the current analysis. The structure
of this list is the same as the structure of state$NCA$anas
in the output of
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Takes the current state and object type and returns the currently selected object. For example if you have specified figure, it will look at the output figure selected and the figure number of that figure and return the ggplot object for that. by subject id highlighting of certain NCA aspects (e.g. points used for half-life)
NCA_fetch_current_obj(state, obj_type)
NCA_fetch_current_obj(state, obj_type)
state |
NCA state from |
obj_type |
Type of object to return (either "table" or "figure"). |
List with a format that depends on the obj_type. For figures:
ggplot: ggplot object of the figure.
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
For tables:
df: Dataframe of the current table.
ft: Flextable object of the current table.
notes: Any table notes to be included.
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state # Current active table: res = NCA_fetch_current_obj(state, "table") res$ft # Current active figure: res = NCA_fetch_current_obj(state, "figure") res$ggplot
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state # Current active table: res = NCA_fetch_current_obj(state, "table") res$ft # Current active figure: res = NCA_fetch_current_obj(state, "figure") res$ggplot
Use this to get information about data formats.
NCA_fetch_data_format( MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") )
NCA_fetch_data_format( MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") )
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
List with details about the data formats
Fetches the datasets contained in the module
state |
NCA state from |
list containing the following elements
isgood: Return status of the function.
hasds: Boolean indicator if the module has any datasets
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
ds: List with datasets. Each list element has the name of the R-object for that dataset. Each element has the following structure:
label: Text label for the dataset
MOD_TYPE: Short name for the type of module.
id: module ID
DS: Dataframe containing the actual dataset.
DSMETA: Metadata describing DS
code: Complete code to build dataset.
checksum: Module checksum.
DSchecksum: Dataset checksum.
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state myDs = NCA_fetch_ds(state)
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state myDs = NCA_fetch_ds(state)
This provides meta information about NCA parameters. This includes parameter names, text descriptions, formatting (md and LaTeX).
NCA_fetch_np_meta( MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") )
NCA_fetch_np_meta( MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") )
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
List with the following elements:
choices: List parameter choices grouped by values specified in the module configuration file.
summary: Data frame with meta data about the NCA parameters with the following columns:
parameter: Name of parameter in PKNCA.
text: Name of parameter in plain text.
md: Parameter name formatted in Markdown.
latex: Parameter name formatted using LaTeX.
description: Verbose description in plain text for the parameter.
Compiles Metadata from PKNCA
Dataframe containing PKCNA metadata for NCA parameters.
PKNCA_meta = NCA_fetch_PKNCA_meta() utils::head(PKNCA_meta)
PKNCA_meta = NCA_fetch_PKNCA_meta() utils::head(PKNCA_meta)
Merges default app options with the changes made in the UI
NCA_fetch_state( id, input, session, FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM, id_UD, id_DW, react_state, react_internal = NULL )
NCA_fetch_state( id, input, session, FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM, id_UD, id_DW, react_state, react_internal = NULL )
id |
Shiny module ID |
input |
Shiny input variable |
session |
Shiny session variable |
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
id_ASM |
ID string for the app state management module used to save and load app states |
id_UD |
ID string for the upload data module used to save and load app states |
id_DW |
ID string for the data wrangling module used to save and load app states |
react_state |
Variable used within server to handle non-standard reactions (e.g. reacting to plotly) |
react_internal |
Variable passed to server to allow reaction outside of module ( |
list containing the current state of the app including default values from the yaml file as well as any changes made by the user. The list has the following structure:
yaml: Full contents of the supplied yaml file.
MC: Module components of the yaml file.
ana_cntr: Analysis counter.
anas: List of analyses: Each analysis has the following structure:
ana_dsview: Dataset view/ID (name from DSV) selected as a data source for this analysis.
ana_scenario: Analysis scenario selected in the UI
checksum: checksum of the analysis (used to detect changes in the analysis).
code: Code to generate analysis from start to finish or error messages if code generation/analysis failed.
code_components: List containing the different components from code
col_conc: Column from ana_dsview containing the concentration data.
col_dose: Column from ana_dsview containing the dose amount.
col_dur: Column from ana_dsview containing the infusion duration or N/A if unused.
col_group: Columns from ana_dsview containing other grouping variables.
col_id: Column from ana_dsview containing the subject IDs.
col_ntime: Column from ana_dsview containing the nominal time values
col_route: Column from ana_dsview containing the dosing route.
col_time: Column from ana_dsview containing the time values.
id: Character id (ana_idx
idx: Numeric id (1
include_units: Boolean variable indicating in units should included in the analysis.
interval_range: Vector with the first element representing he beginning of the interval and the second element containing the end of the interval.
intervals: List of the intervals to include.
isgood: Current status of the analysis.
key: Analysis key acts as a title/caption (user editable)
msgs: Messages generated when checking configuration and analysis options.
nca_config: List of NCA configuration options for this analysis.
nca_object_name: Prefix for NCA objects associated with this analyis.
nca_parameters: NCA parameters selected for calculation in the UI.
notes: Analysis notes (user editable)
objs: List of names and values for objects created with generated code.
sampling: Sampling method either "sparse" or "serial"
units_amt: Amount units.
units_conc: Concentration units.
units_dose: Dosing units.
units_time: Time units.
current_ana: Currently selected analysis (list name element from anas).
DSV: Available data source views (see FM_fetch_ds
checksum: This is an MD5 sum of the module (checksum of the analysis checksums).
nca_config: List of PKNCA configuration options for this analysis.
nca_parameters: List with two elements
choices: List consisting of "Common Parameters" and "Other" (used for grouping in the UI). Each of these is a list of text parameter names with a value of the PKNCA parameter name.
summary: Summary table with the following columns:
parameter: PKNCA Paramter name.
text: Name used in text output.
md: Name used markdown output.
latex: Name used in latex output.
description: Verbose textual description of the parameter.
ui: Current value of form elements in the UI.
ui_ana_map: Map between UI element names and analysis in the object you get from NCA_fetch_current_ana
ui_ids: Vector of UI elements for the module.
ui_hold: List of hold elements to disable updates before a full ui referesh is complete.
MOD_TYPE: Character data containing the type of module "NCA"
id: Character data containing the module id module in the session variable.
FM_yaml_file: App configuration file with FM as main section.
MOD_yaml_file: Module configuration file with MC as main section.
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Based on the current analysis, value from the UI, an optional list of patterns to search, and column names from a dataset this function tries to find a default value for a column in the analysis (e.g. subject id, dose, concentration, etc).
Generally the following is done:
If curr_ui has a non-NULL, non-"" value it is compared to dscols. If it is found there that value is returned.
If not then the patterns are considered. If the patterns from the YAML file are not NULL they are compared sequentially to the columns names. The first match found is returned.
If nothing is found then the first value of dscols is returned.
NCA_find_col( curr_ana = NULL, curr_ui = NULL, patterns = NULL, dscols, null_ok = FALSE )
NCA_find_col( curr_ana = NULL, curr_ui = NULL, patterns = NULL, dscols, null_ok = FALSE )
curr_ana |
Current value in the analysis |
curr_ui |
Current value in UI |
patterns |
List of regular expression patterns to consider. |
dscols |
Columns from the dataset. |
null_ok |
Logical value indicating if a null result (nothing found) is
OK (default: |
Name of column found based on the rules above.
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Creates a list of the initialized module state
NCA_init_state(FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id, id_UD, id_DW, session)
NCA_init_state(FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file, id, id_UD, id_DW, session)
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
id |
ID string for the module. |
id_UD |
ID string for the upload data module used to handle uploads or the name of the list element in react_state where the data set is stored. |
id_DW |
ID string for the data wrangling module to process any uploaded data |
session |
Shiny session variable (in app) or a list (outside of app) |
list containing an empty NCA state
Loads a pre-defined analysis scneario from the NCA YAML config file.
NCA_load_scenario(state, ana_scenario)
NCA_load_scenario(state, ana_scenario)
state |
NCA state from |
ana_scenario |
Short name of the analysis scenario to load from the config file. |
NCA state object with the scenario loaded and relevant notifications set.
Reads in the app state from yaml files.
state |
NCA state object |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
yaml_list: Lists with preload components.
sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state res = NCA_mk_preload(state)
sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state res = NCA_mk_preload(state)
Fetches the PKNCA output for a specified analysis
NCA_mkactive_ana(state, ana_id)
NCA_mkactive_ana(state, ana_id)
state |
NCA state from |
ana_id |
Analysis ID to make active. |
State with the analysis ID made active.
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Creates a new NCA analysis in an NCA module
state |
NCA state from |
NCA state object containing a new empty analysis and that analysis is set as the current active analyisis
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Populates the supplied session variable with information from list of sources.
NCA_preload( session, src_list, yaml_res, mod_ID = NULL, react_state = list(), quickload = FALSE )
NCA_preload( session, src_list, yaml_res, mod_ID = NULL, react_state = list(), quickload = FALSE )
session |
Shiny session variable (in app) or a list (outside of app) |
src_list |
List of preload data (all read together with module IDs at the top level) |
yaml_res |
List data from module yaml config |
mod_ID |
Module ID of the module being loaded. |
react_state |
Reactive shiny object (in app) or a list (outside of app) used to trigger reactions. |
quickload |
Logical |
list with the following elements
isgood: Boolean indicating the exit status of the function.
msgs: Messages to be passed back to the user.
session: Session object
input: The value of the shiny input at the end of the session initialization.
state: App state.
react_state: The react_state
Takes the current analysis and checks different aspects to for any issues to make sure it's good to go.
state |
NCA state from |
Current analysis list with isgood and msgs set
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Merges default app options with the changes made in the UI
NCA_Server( id, FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml"), id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = FALSE, react_state = NULL )
NCA_Server( id, FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml"), MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml"), id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = FALSE, react_state = NULL )
id |
An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the modules UI elements |
FM_yaml_file |
App configuration file with FM as main section. |
MOD_yaml_file |
Module configuration file with MC as main section. |
id_ASM |
ID string for the app state management module used to save and load app states |
id_UD |
ID string for the upload data module used to save and load app states |
id_DW |
ID string for the data wrangling module used to save and load app states |
deployed |
Boolean variable indicating whether the app is deployed or not. |
react_state |
Variable passed to server to allow reaction outside of module ( |
list containing the current state of the app including default values from the yaml file as well as any changes made by the user. The list has the following structure:
yaml: Full contents of the supplied yaml file.
MC: Module components of the yaml file.
isgood: Boolean object indicating if the file was successfully loaded.
checksum: This is an MD5 sum of the contents element and can be used to detect changes in the state.
MOD_TYPE: Character data containing the type of module "NCA"
id: Character data containing the module id module in the session variable.
FM_yaml_file: App configuration file with FM as main section.
MOD_yaml_file: Module configuration file with MC as main section.
if(interactive()){ # original file: inst/templates/ruminate.R library(formods) library(ruminate) # These are suggested packages library(shinydashboard) #library(ggpubr) #library(plotly) #library(shinybusy) library(prompter) #library(utils) tags$style("@import url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.4.0/css/all.css);") # You can copy these locally and customize them for your own needs. Simply # change the assignment to the local copy you've modified. formods.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") ASM.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "ASM.yaml") UD.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "UD.yaml") DW.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "DW.yaml") FG.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "FG.yaml") NCA.yaml = system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Name of file to indicate we need to load testing data ftmptest = file.path(tempdir(), "ruminate.test") # Making sure that the deployed object is created if(!exists("deployed")){ deployed = FALSE } # If the DEPLOYED file marker existrs we set deployed to TRUE if(file.exists("DEPLOYED")){ deployed = TRUE } # # Making sure that the run_dev object is created # if(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "RUMINTE_DEVELOPMENT"))){ # run_dev = TRUE # }else{ # run_dev = FALSE # } # If the SETUP.R file exists we source it if(file.exists("SETUP.R")){ source("SETUP.R") } CSS <- " .wrapfig { float: right; shape-margin: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } " #https://fontawesome.com/icons?from=io logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/john-harrold/ruminate/main/man/figures/logo.png" data_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/formods/raw/master/inst/test_data/TEST_DATA.xlsx" run_url = "https://runruminate.ubiquity.tools/" use_url = "https://useruminate.ubiquity.tools/" main_url = "https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/" issue_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/ruminate/issues" intro_text = tags$p( "Ruminate is a shiny module for pharmacometric data processing, visualization, and analysis. It consists of separate shiny modules that provide interfaces into common R packages and provides the underlying code. This is done to facilitate usage of those packages and to provide reproducible analyses." , tags$li( "To find out more visit ", tags$a("ruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=main_url),""), tags$li( "To give it a try you can download a test dataset ", tags$a("here", href=data_url),""), tags$li( "Go to ", tags$a("useruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=use_url)," for a video demonstrating how to use ruminate"), tags$li( "If you run into any problems, have questions, or want a feature please visit the ", tags$a("issues", href=issue_url)," page") ) ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage( skin="black", shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(title="ruminate"), shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar( shinydashboard::sidebarMenu( shinydashboard::menuItem("Load/Save", tabName="loadsave", icon=icon("arrow-down-up-across-line")) , shinydashboard::menuItem("Transform Data", tabName="wrangle", icon=icon("shuffle")), shinydashboard::menuItem("Visualize", tabName="plot", icon=icon("chart-line")), shinydashboard::menuItem("NCA", tabName="nca", icon=icon("chart-area")), shinydashboard::menuItem("App Info", tabName="sysinfo", icon=icon("book-medical")) ) ), shinydashboard::dashboardBody( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(CSS)) ), shinydashboard::tabItems( shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="nca", shinydashboard::box(title="Non-Compartmental Analysis", width=12, fluidRow( prompter::use_prompt(), column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("NCA", "NCA_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="loadsave", # shinydashboard::box(title=NULL, width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="load_data", title=tagList(shiny::icon("file-arrow-up"), "Load Data"), fluidRow( column(width=6, div(style="display:inline-block;width:100%", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_load_data"))), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_clean")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_select_sheets")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_workflows")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_text_load_result"))), column(width=6, tags$p( tags$img( class = "wrapfig", src = logo_url, width = 150, alt = "formods logo" ), intro_text )) ), fluidRow( column(width=12, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_data_preview"))) )) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="save_state", title=tagList(shiny::icon("arrow-down-up-across-line"), "Save or Load Analysis"), fluidRow( column(width=5, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_compact")) )) ) ) ) # ), ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="wrangle", shinydashboard::box(title="Transform and Create Views of Your Data", width=12, fluidRow( column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("DW", "DW_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="plot", shinydashboard::box(title="Visualize Data", width=12, htmlOutput(NS("FG", "FG_ui_compact")))), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="sysinfo", # box(title="System Details", width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_packages", title=tagList(shiny::icon("box-open"), "Installed Packages"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_packages")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_modules", title=tagList(shiny::icon("cubes"), "Loaded Modules"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_modules")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_log", title=tagList(shiny::icon("clipboard-list"), "Log"), verbatimTextOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_log")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_options", title=tagList(shiny::icon("sliders"), "R Options"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_options")) ) # ) )) ) ) ) # Main app server server <- function(input, output, session) { # Empty reactive object to track and react to # changes in the module state outside of the module react_FM = reactiveValues() # Module IDs and the order they are needed for code generation mod_ids = c("UD", "DW", "FG", "NCA", "MB") # If the ftmptest file is present we load test data if(file.exists(ftmptest)){ sources = c(system.file(package="formods", "preload", "ASM_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "UD_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "FG_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "DW_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="ruminate", "preload", "NCA_preload.yaml")) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources=sources) # Otherwise we look for a preload file and load that if it exists } else if(file.exists("preload.yaml")){ shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="Preloading analysis, be patient", session=session) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources="preload.yaml") shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner(session = session) } # Module servers formods::ASM_Server( id="ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml, MOD_yaml_file = ASM.yaml, mod_ids = mod_ids) formods::UD_Server( id ="UD", id_ASM = "ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = UD.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::DW_Server( id="DW", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = DW.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::FG_Server( id="FG", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = FG.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) ruminate::NCA_Server(id ="NCA", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = NCA.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) } shinyApp(ui, server) }
if(interactive()){ # original file: inst/templates/ruminate.R library(formods) library(ruminate) # These are suggested packages library(shinydashboard) #library(ggpubr) #library(plotly) #library(shinybusy) library(prompter) #library(utils) tags$style("@import url(https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.4.0/css/all.css);") # You can copy these locally and customize them for your own needs. Simply # change the assignment to the local copy you've modified. formods.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") ASM.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "ASM.yaml") UD.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "UD.yaml") DW.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "DW.yaml") FG.yaml = system.file(package="formods", "templates", "FG.yaml") NCA.yaml = system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Name of file to indicate we need to load testing data ftmptest = file.path(tempdir(), "ruminate.test") # Making sure that the deployed object is created if(!exists("deployed")){ deployed = FALSE } # If the DEPLOYED file marker existrs we set deployed to TRUE if(file.exists("DEPLOYED")){ deployed = TRUE } # # Making sure that the run_dev object is created # if(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "RUMINTE_DEVELOPMENT"))){ # run_dev = TRUE # }else{ # run_dev = FALSE # } # If the SETUP.R file exists we source it if(file.exists("SETUP.R")){ source("SETUP.R") } CSS <- " .wrapfig { float: right; shape-margin: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } " #https://fontawesome.com/icons?from=io logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/john-harrold/ruminate/main/man/figures/logo.png" data_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/formods/raw/master/inst/test_data/TEST_DATA.xlsx" run_url = "https://runruminate.ubiquity.tools/" use_url = "https://useruminate.ubiquity.tools/" main_url = "https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/" issue_url = "https://github.com/john-harrold/ruminate/issues" intro_text = tags$p( "Ruminate is a shiny module for pharmacometric data processing, visualization, and analysis. It consists of separate shiny modules that provide interfaces into common R packages and provides the underlying code. This is done to facilitate usage of those packages and to provide reproducible analyses." , tags$li( "To find out more visit ", tags$a("ruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=main_url),""), tags$li( "To give it a try you can download a test dataset ", tags$a("here", href=data_url),""), tags$li( "Go to ", tags$a("useruminate.ubiquity.tools", href=use_url)," for a video demonstrating how to use ruminate"), tags$li( "If you run into any problems, have questions, or want a feature please visit the ", tags$a("issues", href=issue_url)," page") ) ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage( skin="black", shinydashboard::dashboardHeader(title="ruminate"), shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar( shinydashboard::sidebarMenu( shinydashboard::menuItem("Load/Save", tabName="loadsave", icon=icon("arrow-down-up-across-line")) , shinydashboard::menuItem("Transform Data", tabName="wrangle", icon=icon("shuffle")), shinydashboard::menuItem("Visualize", tabName="plot", icon=icon("chart-line")), shinydashboard::menuItem("NCA", tabName="nca", icon=icon("chart-area")), shinydashboard::menuItem("App Info", tabName="sysinfo", icon=icon("book-medical")) ) ), shinydashboard::dashboardBody( tags$head( tags$style(HTML(CSS)) ), shinydashboard::tabItems( shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="nca", shinydashboard::box(title="Non-Compartmental Analysis", width=12, fluidRow( prompter::use_prompt(), column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("NCA", "NCA_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="loadsave", # shinydashboard::box(title=NULL, width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="load_data", title=tagList(shiny::icon("file-arrow-up"), "Load Data"), fluidRow( column(width=6, div(style="display:inline-block;width:100%", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_load_data"))), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_clean")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_select_sheets")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_workflows")), htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_text_load_result"))), column(width=6, tags$p( tags$img( class = "wrapfig", src = logo_url, width = 150, alt = "formods logo" ), intro_text )) ), fluidRow( column(width=12, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("UD", "ui_ud_data_preview"))) )) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="save_state", title=tagList(shiny::icon("arrow-down-up-across-line"), "Save or Load Analysis"), fluidRow( column(width=5, div(style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top", htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_compact")) )) ) ) ) # ), ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="wrangle", shinydashboard::box(title="Transform and Create Views of Your Data", width=12, fluidRow( column(width=12, htmlOutput(NS("DW", "DW_ui_compact"))))) ), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="plot", shinydashboard::box(title="Visualize Data", width=12, htmlOutput(NS("FG", "FG_ui_compact")))), shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName="sysinfo", # box(title="System Details", width=12, shinydashboard::tabBox( width = 12, title = NULL, shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_packages", title=tagList(shiny::icon("box-open"), "Installed Packages"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_packages")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_modules", title=tagList(shiny::icon("cubes"), "Loaded Modules"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_modules")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_log", title=tagList(shiny::icon("clipboard-list"), "Log"), verbatimTextOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_log")) ), shiny::tabPanel(id="sys_options", title=tagList(shiny::icon("sliders"), "R Options"), htmlOutput(NS("ASM", "ui_asm_sys_options")) ) # ) )) ) ) ) # Main app server server <- function(input, output, session) { # Empty reactive object to track and react to # changes in the module state outside of the module react_FM = reactiveValues() # Module IDs and the order they are needed for code generation mod_ids = c("UD", "DW", "FG", "NCA", "MB") # If the ftmptest file is present we load test data if(file.exists(ftmptest)){ sources = c(system.file(package="formods", "preload", "ASM_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "UD_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "FG_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="formods", "preload", "DW_preload.yaml"), system.file(package="ruminate", "preload", "NCA_preload.yaml")) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources=sources) # Otherwise we look for a preload file and load that if it exists } else if(file.exists("preload.yaml")){ shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="Preloading analysis, be patient", session=session) res = FM_app_preload(session=session, sources="preload.yaml") shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner(session = session) } # Module servers formods::ASM_Server( id="ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml, MOD_yaml_file = ASM.yaml, mod_ids = mod_ids) formods::UD_Server( id ="UD", id_ASM = "ASM", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = UD.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::DW_Server( id="DW", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = DW.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) formods::FG_Server( id="FG", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = FG.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) ruminate::NCA_Server(id ="NCA", id_ASM = "ASM", id_UD = "UD", id_DW = "DW", deployed = deployed, react_state = react_FM, MOD_yaml_file = NCA.yaml, FM_yaml_file = formods.yaml) } shinyApp(ui, server) }
Takes an NCA state and an analysis list and sets that figure list as the value for the active figure
NCA_set_current_ana(state, ana)
NCA_set_current_ana(state, ana)
state |
NCA state from |
ana |
Analysis list from |
State with the current analysis updated
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
library(ruminate) # Module IDs id = "NCA" id_UD = "UD" id_DW = "DW" id_ASM = "ASM" # We need session and input variables to be define sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() # Extracting the session and input variables session = sess_res$session input = sess_res$input react_state = list() # We also need configuration files FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml") MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml") # Getting the current module state state = NCA_fetch_state(id = id, input = input, session = session, FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file, MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file, id_ASM = id_ASM, id_UD = id_UD, id_DW = id_DW, react_state = react_state) # Pulls out the active analysis current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state) # This will get the dataset associated with this analysis ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana) # After making changes you can update those in the state state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana) # You can use this to check the current analysis current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state) # This will pull out the code for the module fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state) # This will use patterns defined for the site to detect # columns. In this example we are detecting the id column: id_col = NCA_find_col( patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]], dscols = names(ds)) # This creates a new analysis state = NCA_new_ana(state) # Switching back to the previous analysis state = NCA_mkactive_ana(state, "NCA_1")
Populates the supplied session variable for testing.
NCA_test_mksession(session = list(), full = FALSE)
NCA_test_mksession(session = list(), full = FALSE)
session |
Shiny session variable (in app) or a list (outside of app) |
full |
Boolean indicating if the full test session should be created |
The NCA portion of the all_sess_res
returned from FM_app_preload
session = shiny::MockShinySession$new() sess_res = NCA_test_mksession(session=session)
session = shiny::MockShinySession$new() sess_res = NCA_test_mksession(session=session)
Plots the timecourse of `simulate_rules()` output.
plot_sr_ev( sro = NULL, fpage = 1, fcol = "id", xcol = "time", error_msgs = NULL, ylog = TRUE, ylab_str = "Amount", xlab_str = "Time", post_proc = "fig = fig + ggplot2::theme_light()", evplot = c(1, 4), fncol = 4, fnrow = 2 )
plot_sr_ev( sro = NULL, fpage = 1, fcol = "id", xcol = "time", error_msgs = NULL, ylog = TRUE, ylab_str = "Amount", xlab_str = "Time", post_proc = "fig = fig + ggplot2::theme_light()", evplot = c(1, 4), fncol = 4, fnrow = 2 )
sro |
Output of 'simulate_rules()'. |
fpage |
If facets are selected and multiple pages are generated then this indcates the page to return. |
fcol |
Name of column to facet by or |
xcol |
Name of column to take x-data from ( |
error_msgs |
Named list with error messages to overwrite ( |
ylog |
Boolean to enable log10 scaling of the y-axis ( |
ylab_str |
Label for the y-axis ( |
xlab_str |
Label for the x-axis ( |
post_proc |
Character object with post processing post-processing code for the figure object named |
evplot |
Evids to plot can be 1 or 4 |
fncol |
Number of columns in faceted output. |
fnrow |
Number of rows in faceted output. |
For a detailed examples see vignette("clinical_trial_simulation", package = "ruminate")
List with the followin1g elements:
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Error or warning messages if any issues were encountered.
npages: Total number of pages using the current configuration.
error_msgs: List of error messages used.
dsp: Intermediate dataset generated from sro
to plot in ggplot.
fig: Figure generated.
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
Plots the timecourse of `simulate_rules()` output.
plot_sr_tc( sro = NULL, dvcols = NULL, fpage = 1, fcol = "id", xcol = "time", error_msgs = NULL, ylog = TRUE, ylab_str = "Output", xlab_str = "Time", post_proc = "fig = fig + ggplot2::theme_light()", fncol = 4, fnrow = 2 )
plot_sr_tc( sro = NULL, dvcols = NULL, fpage = 1, fcol = "id", xcol = "time", error_msgs = NULL, ylog = TRUE, ylab_str = "Output", xlab_str = "Time", post_proc = "fig = fig + ggplot2::theme_light()", fncol = 4, fnrow = 2 )
sro |
Output of 'simulate_rules()'. |
dvcols |
Character vector of dependent variables. |
fpage |
If facets are selected and multiple pages are generated then this indcates the page to return. |
fcol |
Name of column to facet by or |
xcol |
Name of column to take x-data from ( |
error_msgs |
Named list with error messages to overwrite ( |
ylog |
Boolean to enable log10 scaling of the y-axis ( |
ylab_str |
Label for the y-axis ( |
xlab_str |
Label for the x-axis ( |
post_proc |
Character object with post processing post-processing code for the figure object named |
fncol |
Number of columns in faceted output. |
fnrow |
Number of rows in faceted output. |
For a detailed examples see vignette("clinical_trial_simulation", package = "ruminate")
List with the followin1g elements:
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Error or warning messages if any issues were encountered.
npages: Total number of pages using the current configuration.
error_msgs: List of error messages used.
dsp: Intermediate dataset generated from sro
to plot in ggplot.
fig: Figure generated.
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
This is done by creating a Shiny interface to different tools for data
transformation (dplyr
and tidyr
), plotting (ggplot2
), and
noncompartmental analysis (PKNCA
). These results can be reported in Excel,
Word or PowerPoint. The state of the app can be saved and loaded at a later
date. When saved, a script is generated to reproduce the different actions in
the Shiny interface.
Runs the pharmacometrics ruminate app.
ruminate( host = "", port = 3838, server_opts = list(shiny.maxRequestSize = 30 * 1024^2), devmode = FALSE, mksession = FALSE )
ruminate( host = "", port = 3838, server_opts = list(shiny.maxRequestSize = 30 * 1024^2), devmode = FALSE, mksession = FALSE )
host |
Hostname of the server ("") |
port |
Port number for the app (3838) |
server_opts |
List of options (names) and their vlues (value) e.g.
devmode |
Boolean value, when TRUE will run ruminate with development modules. |
mksession |
Boolean value, when TRUE will load test session data for app testing. |
Nothing is returned, this function just runs the built-in ruminate app.
Maintainer: John Harrold [email protected] (ORCID)
if (interactive()) { ruminate() }
if (interactive()) { ruminate() }
DependenciesLooks at the suggested dependencies and checks to make sure they are installed.
ruminate_check(verbose = TRUE)
ruminate_check(verbose = TRUE)
verbose |
Logical indicating if messages should be displayed |
List with the following elements:
all_found: Boolean indicating if all packages were found
found_pkgs: Character vector of found packages
missing_pkgs: Character vector of missing packages
fcres =ruminate_check()
fcres =ruminate_check()
Takes the current state and runs the current analysis in that state.
run_nca_components( state, components = c("nca", "fg_ind_obs", "tb_ind_obs", "tb_ind_obs_flags", "tb_ind_params"), verbose = TRUE )
run_nca_components( state, components = c("nca", "fg_ind_obs", "tb_ind_obs", "tb_ind_obs_flags", "tb_ind_params"), verbose = TRUE )
state |
NCA state from |
components |
List of components to run. By default it will run all of the following to. If you just need to regenerate a figure based on the current nca results you can just specify that component. These are the valid |
verbose |
Logical to enable or disable messaging components:
List with the following components:
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Error messages if any issues were encountered.
nca_res: PKNCA results if run was successful.
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state state = run_nca_components(state, components="tb_ind_params")
# We need a state object to use below sess_res = NCA_test_mksession() state = sess_res$state state = run_nca_components(state, components="tb_ind_params")
If you have an rxode2 or nlmixr2 model object you can use this function to translate that object into other formats. See output_type below for the allowed formats.
In order to do this you need at least one between-subject variability term
and one endpoint. If these are missing then dummy values will be added. The
dummy values for between-subject variablitiy are IIV will be
. The dummy
terms for endpoints are OUT_RUMINATE
rx2other( object, out_type = "nonmem", dataset = NULL, export_name = "my_model", export_path = tempfile(pattern = "dir") )
rx2other( object, out_type = "nonmem", dataset = NULL, export_name = "my_model", export_path = tempfile(pattern = "dir") )
object |
rxode2 model object |
out_type |
Output type (either "nonmem", "monolix") |
dataset |
Optional dataset |
export_name |
Basename for models used |
export_path |
Location to place output files (default |
Known issues: If you have specified bioavailability in the model, it will fail on the Monolix conversion.
List with the following elements:
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Error or warning messages if any issues were encountered.
files: If succesful this will contain a list with an entry for each file generated to support the requested format. the current file format. For example if "nonmem" was selected this will include elements for "ctl" and "csv". Each of these are lists with the following format:
fn: Exported file name
fn_full: Exported file name with the full path.
contents: Contents of the file.
library(ruminate) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # First create an rxode2 model: library(rxode2) one.compartment <- function() { rxode2::ini({ tka <- log(1.57); label("Ka") tcl <- log(2.72); label("Cl") tv <- log(31.5); label("V") eta.ka ~ 0.6 eta.cl ~ 0.3 eta.v ~ 0.1 add.sd <- 0.7 }) # and a model block with the error specification and model specification rxode2::model({ ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka) cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl) v <- exp(tv + eta.v) d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(center) <- ka * depot - cl / v * center cp <- center / v cp ~ add(add.sd) }) } nmout = rx2other(one.compartment, out_type="nonmem") }
library(ruminate) if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){ # First create an rxode2 model: library(rxode2) one.compartment <- function() { rxode2::ini({ tka <- log(1.57); label("Ka") tcl <- log(2.72); label("Cl") tv <- log(31.5); label("V") eta.ka ~ 0.6 eta.cl ~ 0.3 eta.v ~ 0.1 add.sd <- 0.7 }) # and a model block with the error specification and model specification rxode2::model({ ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka) cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl) v <- exp(tv + eta.v) d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(center) <- ka * depot - cl / v * center cp <- center / v cp ~ add(add.sd) }) } nmout = rx2other(one.compartment, out_type="nonmem") }
Simulate an rxode2 model based on rules evaluated at specified time-points. For example if you want to titrate dosing based on individual plasma levels you could create a rule that changes dosing at specified time points based on the last observation of the user.
simulate_rules( object, subjects, eval_times, output_times, time_scales = NULL, rules, rx_options = list(), preamble = "", pbm = "Evaluation times", smooth_sampling = TRUE )
simulate_rules( object, subjects, eval_times, output_times, time_scales = NULL, rules, rx_options = list(), preamble = "", pbm = "Evaluation times", smooth_sampling = TRUE )
object |
rxode2 model object An ID string that corresponds with the ID used to call the modules UI elements |
subjects |
Dataframe of subject level information. |
eval_times |
Vector of simulation times to evaulate the rules (units are time units of the system). |
output_times |
Specific output times to include. Other times will be included as well to ensure proper evaluation of the rules. |
time_scales |
Optional list with timescale information to include in the output. |
rules |
List of rules, see below for a description of the format. |
rx_options |
List of options to pass through to |
preamble |
Character string of user-defined code to execute in rule-evaluation environment (e.g. you can put user-defined functions here). |
pbm |
Progress bar message, set to NULL to disable. |
smooth_sampling |
Boolean when TRUE will insert sampling just before dosing to make sampling smooth. |
For a detailed examples see vignette("clinical_trial_simulation", package = "ruminate")
The underlying simulations are run using rxode2
, and as such we need
an rxode2
system object. From that we can either simulate subjects or
load them from a file. Next we need to define a set of rules. These will
be a set of conditions and actions. At each evaluation time point the
conditions are evaluated. When a condition is met the actions associated
with that condition are executed. For example, if during a visit (an
evaluation time point) the trough PK is below a certain level
(condition) we may want to increase the dosing regimen for the next
dosing cycle (action).
Subjects are expected in a data frame with the following column headers:
Individual subject id
Names of parameters and iiv as specified in the ini
section of the
function specification
Names of covariates used in the model.
— Creates subjects for simulation by sampling based on
between-subject variability and generating covariate information based
on user specifications.
The covs
input is a list with the following structure:
type: Can be either “fixed”, “discrete”, or “continuous”.
sampling: This field is only needed for a “continuous” covariate ’ type and can be either “random”, “normal” or “log-normal”.
values: This field depends on the type and optional sampling above.
fixed: A single value.
discrete: A vector of possible discrete elements.
continuous, random: Two values the first is the lower bound and the second is the upper bound.
continuous, normal: Two values the first is the mean and the second is the variance.
continuous, log-normal: Two values the first is the mean and the second is the variance.
This examples shows the SEX_ID
randomly sampled from the values
specified, SUBTYPE_ID
fixed at a value, and WT
sampled from a
log-normal distribution.
covs = list( SEX_ID = list(type = "discrete", values = c(0,1)), SUBTYPE_ID = list(type = "fixed", values = c(0)), WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) )
— This will run simulations based on the rule
definitions below.
Rules are a named list where the list name can be a short descriptive label used to remember what the rule does. These names will be returned as columns in the simulated data frame.
: Character string that evaluates to either TRUE
. When true the action
portion will be triggered. For a list
of objects available see the Rule-evaluation environment below.
: Flag set in the rule_id
column when the condition is
not met (set to "false"
if not specified).
: Flag set in the rule_id
column when the condition is
met (set to "true"
if not specified).
: This is what the rule will trigger can be any of the
: This defines the action type and can be either "dose"
"set state"
, or "manual"
Based on the type
the action
field will expect different elements.
: "dose"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric vector dosing
amounts (e.g. "c(3, 3, 3, 3)"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric vector of
times (e.g. "c(0, 14, 28, 42)"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric vector of
durations (e.g. "c(0, 0, 0, 0)"
, zero for bolus dosing)
Changing a state value:
: "set state"
: Character string with the name of the state to set ("Ac"
: Character string that evaluates as a numeric value for
state (e.g. "Ac/2"
would set the state to half the value of Ac at
the evaluation point)
Manual modification of the simulation:
: "manual"
: Character string of code to evaluate.
Beyond simple simulations it will be necessary to execute actions based
on the current or previous state of the system. For this reason, when a
or elements of the action (e.g., the values
, times
of a dose action type) are being evaluated, the following
objects will be available at each evaluation point:
outputs: The value of each model output.
states: The value of each named state or compartment.
covariates: The value of each named covariate.
subject-level parameters: The value of each named parameter.
rule value: The last value the rule evaluated as.
: Current subject id.
: Current evaluation time.
: A data frame of the simulation history of the
current subject up to the current evaluation point.
: The subjects data frame.
: Vector of the evaluation times.
: The events table in it’s current state for the given
simulation interval.
: This is the history of the event table containing all
the events leading up to the current interval.
: This is a free form object the user can define or
alter within the “manual”action type (ud-user defined, history).
: This function will fetch the previous dose (fpd) for the
given id and state. For example for the current id
and the state
you would do the following:
SI_fpd(id=id, state="Ac")
You can include columns in your output for different time scales if you
wish. You need to create a list in the format below. One element should
be system
with a short name for the system time scale. The next should
be details
which is a list containing short names for each time scale
you want to include. Each of these is a list with a verbose name for the
time scale (verb
) and a numerical conversion indicating how that time
scale relates to the others. Here we define weeks and days on the basis
of seconds.
time_scales = list(system="days", details= list( weeks = list(verb="Weeks", conv=1/(60*60*24*7)), days = list(verb="Days", conv=1/(60*60*24))))
List with the following elements:
isgood: Return status of the function.
msgs: Error or warning messages if any issues were encountered.
simall: Simulation results.
ev_history: The event table for the entire simulation history.
eval_times: Evaluation time points at the system time scale
eval_times_df: Data frame of the evaluation time points with a column for the system time scale and then columns for named time scales.
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }
library(formods) library(ggplot2) # For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette: # https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html # None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed: if(is_installed("rxode2")){ library(rxode2) set.seed(8675309) rxSetSeed(8675309) my_model = function () { description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance using differential equations" ini({ lka <- 0.45 label("Absorption rate (Ka)") lcl <- 1 label("Clearance (CL)") lvc <- 3.45 label("Central volume of distribution (V)") propSd <- c(0, 0.5) label("Proportional residual error (fraction)") etalcl ~ 0.1 }) model({ ka <- exp(lka) cl <- exp(lcl + etalcl) vc <- exp(lvc) kel <- cl/vc d/dt(depot) <- -ka * depot d/dt(central) <- ka * depot - kel * central Cc <- central/vc Cc ~ prop(propSd) }) } # This creates an rxode2 object object = rxode(my_model) # If you want details about the parameters, states, etc # in the model you can use this: rxdetails = fetch_rxinfo(object) rxdetails$elements # Next we will create subjects. To do that we need to # specify information about covariates: nsub = 2 covs = list( WT = list(type = "continuous", sampling = "log-normal", values = c(70, .15)) ) subs = mk_subjects(object = object, nsub = nsub, covs = covs) head(subs$subjects) rules = list( dose = list( condition = "TRUE", action = list( type = "dose", state = "central", values = "c(1)", times = "c(0)", durations = "c(0)") ) ) # We evaulate the rules for dosing at time 0 eval_times = 0 # Stop 2 months after the last dose output_times = seq(0, 56, 1) # This runs the rule-based simulations simres = simulate_rules( object = object, subjects = subs[["subjects"]], eval_times = eval_times, output_times = output_times, rules = rules) # First subject data: sub_1 = simres$simall[simres$simall$id == 1, ] # First subjects events evall = as.data.frame(simres$evall) ev_sub_1 = evall[evall$id ==1, ] # All of the simulation data simall = simres$simall simall$id = as.factor(simall$id) # Timecourse psim = plot_sr_tc( sro = simres, dvcols = "Cc") psim$fig # Events pev = plot_sr_ev( sro = simres, ylog = FALSE) pev$fig }