Model Building

NOTE: This module is currently under active development and this documentation is a work in progress


The model building module is constructed around the {rxode2} package. It allows you to load a base model from either the model catalog or a user-create file. Once loaded the user can modify a model (change the structure, parameter values, etc), make a copy, etc. You can upload a model in rxode2 format and also NONMEM format. The NONMEM file (control stream or listing output) will be converted after upload into rxode2 using the {nonmem2rx} package.

Model catalog

The model catalog is built from the sources field of the configuration file. It can include the models from the {nlmixr2lib} model library. You can also include user defined files. If they are specified but not found, they will be skipped. Edit the MB yaml file to to alter this.

User-defined models

User-defined models can be included in the catalog or uploaded into the app. These models can be specified in either NONMEM or rxode2 formats. For NONMEM models it can be a control stream (good), the listing output from an estimation (better), or the XML output from an estimation (best). To use an nlmixr2 model you simply need a function definition assigned to the object my_fcn. For examples see:

  • system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "MB_model_rxode2.R")
  • system.file(package="ruminate", "templates", "MB_model_NONMEM.ctl")

Modules are specified in the sources section of the configuration file. The default configuration file will look in the working directory of the App for user_model.R and user_model.ctl. So if you have a rxode2 model you can name it user_model.R and place it in the app directory to be included in the catalog. Similarly if you have a NONMEM control stream you can name it user_model.ctl, and it will be included automatically. If these do not exist they will be skipped. You can create as many entries as you want.

Configuration File

# The MC field is a skeleton for constructing new modules
  # Module informaiton
    description: "Model Builder"
    type: "MB"
    # internal R Object: module ID used in deployment
      id_ASM: "ASM"
  # The prefix of object names created in the generated code
  element_object_name: "MB_obj"
  # This is a list of model sources. In the app the sources will be listed in
  # the order shown here. This is also referred to as the model catalog. If
  # the type is set to nlmixr2lib it will insert the models from nlmixr2lib.
  # User defined models can be used as well. See the examples below for
  # rxode2 and NONMEM models.
  # - group: This is how models will be grouped in the selection pulldown.
  # - name: Short name for the model: **NOTE that names need to be unique**.
  # - description: Verbose description of the model.
  # - type: Supported model types are "nlmixr2lib", "rxode2" or "NONMEM".
  # - obj: For the rxode2 type you need to also specify the name of the object
  #   that is created. This option is only used for the rxode2 type.
  # - file: For both rxode2 and nlmixr2 you need to specify a character string
  #   with a file path. This will be evaluated as an R command, so keep that
  #   in mind. If the file is not found it will be skipped when the app loads.
  - source:
      group:       "User-defined Models"
      name:        "rxode2 User model"
      description: "User-defined rxode2 model"
      type:        "rxode2"
      obj:         "my_fcn"
      file:        'file.path(getwd(),"user_model.R")'
  - source:
      group:       "User-defined Models"
      name:        "NONMEM User model"
      description: "User-defined NONMEM model"
      type:        "NONMEM"
      file:        'file.path(getwd(),"user_model.ctl")'
  - source:
      group:       "Model Library"
      type:        "nlmixr2lib"
      name:        "nlmixr2 Model Library"
# The include section is optional. You can use this section to copy files
# from the directory where you are running the app to the user directory to be
# used in the app and when saved. The source and dest options can be a path
# command like below or a double
# quoted string: '"/path/to/file"'
# The dest should be relative to user directory (think the root of the zip
# file that is exported). See formods.yaml for examples.
# include:
#   files:
#   - file:
#       source: 'file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx")'
#       dest:   'file.path("config","report.docx")'
  code: # module specific code options
    packages: [ "rxode2", "nonmem2rx", "nlmixr2lib", "ruminate"]
    readOnly: TRUE
    mode:     r
  # Controls what is shown in the compact ui mode:
    code:    TRUE
    clip:    TRUE
  # This is where you put reporting options. The expected options are shown
  # here, but module-specific options can also be added if needed:
    enabled: TRUE
    # Priority of reporting relative to other modules
    # (higher numbers are reported first)
    priority: 1
  # put different formatting options (widths, heights,
  # shinyWidgets button sizes, etc) here.
    # Dimensions of code snippet box
      width:  800
      height: 300
      width:  "800px"
      height: "500px"
      width:  "200px"
      tooltip: "Change the current model."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      width:  "200px"
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      tooltip: "Delete the current model."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      tooltip: "Save the name for the current model."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      tooltip: "Copy the code to generate the current model to the clipboard."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      tooltip: "Make a copy of the current model."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      tooltip: "Append to current model."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      tooltip: "Create a new model."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      width: 100
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      color: "primary"
      tooltip: "Download the current model in NONMEM format."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      width: 100
      size: "sm"
      block: TRUE
      color: "primary"
      tooltip: "Download the current model in Monolix format."
      tooltip_position: "right"
      width: 100
      width:   "200px"
      truncate: 65
      tooltip:  "Select base model from the catalog."
      tooltip_position: "top"
      width: "200px"
      tooltip: "Select the type of the model being uploaded."
      tooltip_position: "right"
        rxode2: "rxode2 function"
        NONMEM: "NONMEM (XML, lst, or ctl)"
      default:   "rxode2"
      width: "400px"
      tooltip: "Append the selected sub-model to the current model."
      tooltip_position: "bottom"
      no_models:  "None available"
      width: "200px"
      size:    "normal"
      status:  "primary"
      tooltip: "You can select the base model from a catalog or upload your own"
      tooltip_position: "bottom"
        catalog: "Model Catalog"
        user:    "User-defined model"
      default: "catalog"
    # The timescales here can be altered manually. This is the general format:
    #   short_name:
    #     conv:  "10"
    #     verb:  "A more verbose name"
    #     match: ["sn"]
    # The conv filed is the mathematical conversion between different
    # timescales. Below everything is relative to seconds. So the conv for
    # seconds is 1. The conv fields for days is
    #                     1                      1       day
    # conv =  ------------------------- = -------------- ---
    #            sec      min   24 hr       60 x 60 x 24 sec
    #         60 --- x 60 --- x ------
    #            min      hr     day
    # Generally you dont want to  change what is already here in terms of
    # these short name used. You can remove timescales you don't want to use
    # or add timescales that you need but are not present.
    #   -verb  You can change the verb field (what the user sees).
    # The match field is a list of values that can be matched to the short
    # name so if the short name is 'days' when reading in the metadata from
    # nlmixr2 models. You you may want to match 'd', 'day', etc.
    #   -match: ["day", "d"]
    # The order of Appearance is the same order seen here. The default
    # is the selected short name for the specified timescale
      width: "200px"
      default: "weeks"
      tooltip: "Choose the timescale of the model."
      tooltip_position: "top"
          conv: "1/(60*60*24*7*4)"
          verb: "Months"
          match: ["mo"]
          conv: "1/(60*60*24*7)"
          verb: "Weeks"
          match: ["wk","weeks"]
          conv: "1/(60*60*24)"
          verb: "Days"
          match: ["d", "day", "days"]
          conv: "1/(60*60)"
          verb: "Hours"
          match: ["hr", "hours", "hrs"]
#       min:
#         conv: "1/60"
#         verb: "Minutes"
#         match: ["min", "minutes"]
#       sec:
#         conv: "1"
#         verb: "Seconds"
#         match: ["sec", "seconds", "s"]
    current_element: "Select model"
    element_name :   NULL # "model name"
    upload_model_file:    NULL
    base_from:            NULL
    catalog_selection:    NULL
    export_nonmem:        "NONMEM"
    export_monolix:       "Monolix"
    export_pause:         "Exporting model."
    model_type_selection: NULL
    time_scale:           NULL
    catalog_empty:        "No models were found, the catalog is empty"
    save_btn:             "Save"
    clip_btn:             "Code"
    copy_btn:             "Copy"
    del_btn:              "Delete"
    new_btn:              "New"
    append_model_btn:     "Append Model"
    append_model:         "Available Sub-Models"
    building_model:       "Building model, be patient."
    appending_model:      "Appending sub-model, be patient."
    element_name_diff:    "The model name has changed."
    model_code_diff:      "Manual changes have been made to the model."
    save_change_detected: "You need to click on the save button for these changes to take effect."
    head_base_model:      "Starting model"
    head_model_code:      "Model code"
    head_time_scale:      "Model time-scale"
    no_model_found:             "No model was found."
    base_model_build_failed:    "The base model build failed."
    manual_model_update_failed: "Manual model update failed."
    user_file_upload_failed:    "User-defined model failed."
    nlmixr2lib_not_found:       "The nlmixr2lib package was not found. This library will not be available."
    selected_id_bad_list:       "Unable to find a list for the selected component."
    selected_id_bad_row:        "Selected component should have 1 row."
    fetch_catalog_failed:       "Unable to fetch model catalog."
    fetch_appends_failed:       "Unable to fetch appendable models"
    append_failed:              "Unable to append sub-model"
    # Set to FALSE to disable tool tips for this module
    include: TRUE
    elements: "Show model components"
    show_code: "Show model code"
    url_rxode: ""
    url_model_types: ""
      input_tip: "My tool tip"